Tuesday 11 March 2014

ZimComedyLive - First ever Zim comedy TV series

I am pretty sure every time you watched Trevor Noah, Kevin Hart or Chris Rock you always wondered if we had comedians in the country. Fair and fine we used to have the likes of Paraffin, Mukadota, Mutirowafanza... but those are referred to in the past tense now. Besides, we couldn't exactly put them in the stand up comedy bracket now could we?

So what about stand up comedy? Well query no more my friends, because even if you miss comedy events happening at comedy clubs, you can now watch Zimbabwean stand up comedy from the comforts of your homes!!!

But are they funny? Is it real stand up comedy? Is it worth your time switching from DsTV to ZTV every Thursday night just to watch ZimComedyLive?

Don't take our word for it, check out this trailer of the VERY FIRST screening and hunt me down to kill me if you are not impressed.


Aha, proudly Zimbo like that!!!    


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