Wednesday 26 March 2014


Friends make the world go round don’t they? Girlfriends especially. They are the ones you plan, plot and scheme with. If it’s a boy you like, they’ll help you make sure he notices you. Although sometimes even with the best of intentions you end up being seriously embarrassed.

So what to love about them? Well, if they are your real friends, you know they have your back no matter what. So this means if it’s about being unanimously mean to some girl who thinks she can mess with you, then your girls are your people! If it means an emergency styling session for that HOTT date, then your girls can be depended on to deliver!

But you just have to hate the gossiping!! I mean, I love gossiping, I so will not deny it. It’s like every time we get together with my girls, there just has to be a whole list of people that needs talking about. And when I say talking about I don’t mean just a brush over. Oh no! It’ll be a thorough talk about session. Maybe we should start our own The Talk. It’ll totally give us the excuse we need to talk about people inside and out, getting into their business and everything without even feeling the least bit guilty eh? Lol.

And then there are the boy friends. Well these are my fav! Very little gossiping, lots of spoiling and they can be depended on for muscle, lol. Ever gone out, and there was this horrible looking guy giving you unwanted attention? And it seems the harder you push him away, the more encouraged he gets? Well, if you are with the boys, all they need to do is say a word or two, and you are all clear! I love that!

You gotta hate it though when one of you ends up friendzoning the other. Aaaargh, that’s just nasty! If it’s you doing the friendzoning, it’ll probably be either sad or funny, depending on how you take it. But if it’s you being friendzoned! Nothing is more frustrating! You won’t stop being friends with him because you like him, but being friends with him means this continued unfair relationship. Oh things can be hard for sure.

But friends are friends ey. Even when they are at their most irritating and annoying. They are almost like family, and you just gotta love and hate of course, sometimes though. J.

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