Monday 3 March 2014

“Joys” of Womanhood

It’s not really clear how people define when one becomes a woman. Is it when she has her first flow or at that moment when she is deflowered?  Well for the purposes of this article, let’s agree one becomes a woman when she has her first flow shall we.

This is when all the “joys” begin. You are only in your very early teens and the monthly burden begins. What’s so ironic about this is that you do not want your periods but you do not want to miss them either. What’s so bad? Don’t even get me started on the mood swings, occasional pain, the simply irritating notion of something flowing out of you and having to be extra everything – cautious, clean... super annoying!

And then you grow up and you meet countless good for nothings you foolishly thought were your Mr Rights. Mr Right for real finally comes along and still you don’t know if he’ll make an honest woman of you or not. Nothing is certain and nothing can be taken for granted.

God bless his soul he does make an honest woman of you. Now you ought to abandon your surname and take his, as if yours didn’t matter. Sure he saved you from the alternative – staying single and enduring the social stigma for all eternity, but did the surname have to be the price to pay???

Now that you are married, you are expected to be super bionic woman. Isn’t you asked for emancipation, empowerment and education, well go ahead and go to work but make sure you cook, clean and wash after him too.

As if that was not enough, your body has to be tarnished as well. 1, 2, 3, 4 all these are babies coming one after the other as if you were a birthing machine. Goodbye hott bod, and hello flabs, stretch marks and the whole lot that just makes you cringe at the thought. And in not too long, menopause comes knocking at your door.


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