Wednesday 5 March 2014

8 Ways to know there’s trouble in paradise

Have you been wondering what’s going on between the two of you? Having this nagging feeling that something is definitely up? Well here are a few alarms that should definitely get your bells ringing.

1.      He doesn’t call as often anymore

The normal excuse you make for him is, “maybe he doesn’t have airtime, and he did say he’s going through a rough patch didn’t he...” Well I wonder if when you started out people were getting airtime for free. Don’t get me wrong, so not being unreasonable, but it all becomes rather too convenient don’t you think? At that time you feel he is becoming distant, and he can’t “afford” to call you?

2.      Conversation feels stilted

I can hear you going, “oh but my boyfriend is the quiet type, maybe it’s that”. Oh really? So now he finds it difficult to make conversation? If he is so reserved, how did he once manage to keep you on the phone for hours on end and have you laughing till you couldn’t take anymore?

3.      Says he’s busy
I find it hard to believe that when things were good he had nothing on his plate whatsoever. Seriously. If he could make time for you then, what’s different now?

4.      Claims to not know how to make you happy

He probably said something like, “tell me what to do babe blah blah blah”. Oh puhleez!!! Now, all of a sudden, you need relationship advice? From me? Nxa!

5.       Doesn’t text as often

Personally, whatsapp enrages me. If I can see that you are online and it takes you forever to respond? Aaaaaaaargh!

6.     Feel like you’re not top priority anymore

If he finally remembers that oh by the way you exist and you get your first hello sometime close to or after midday, surely you can be forgiven for wondering why you’re even bothering.

7.     Tired of feeling like he’s your crush

Having a crush is just tiring. You put everything he does and says under the microscope. “Did he do and say that because he likes me? He couldn’t have looked and smiled at me like that if he wasn’t down for me...” It’s definitely trouble in paradise when you finally stop caring.

8.      If you feel it, you can’t be wrong

Sure thing you might be wrong and he is indeed going through some things. But how true is that excuse most of the time. A woman’s intuition seldom misses the mark. Simply having those mixed feelings is a reason for something.

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