Monday 3 March 2014

Miniskirts banned in Uganda

New legislation in Uganda banning miniskirts and any revealing clothing has just been recently passed. The new law is called the Anti-Pornography Bill. It is therefore illegal to wear revealing clothing, including tops that show too much cleavage and miniskirts defined as anything above the knee.

Now hold it right there! Anti-pornography bill? Oh really? Ok fine, we’ll play. Apparently this is assuming that men are the only ones sexually excited by the opposite sex’s clothing. Why isn’t there a ban on muscle tops and the like? “Too much cleavage”. Can that even be quantified? Who determines what is too much and what is just right??? Well at least the miniskirts have a definition.

Any article of clothing considered sexually exciting is also illegal. Again, how do you define that exactly? Some men are excited by calves, now what are they going to do about that since the skirt is not mini at all, it is simply showing the calves, yet someone has been excited already?

Feminists in Uganda are seriously outraged, and rightly so. They point out that such laws set dangerous precedence against women’s rights. Nothing could be more accurate! Today, in this 21st century, if women are back to being told what to wear, then what is the point of all the efforts of the past centuries to emancipate women!?!

They say it is because today’s dressing is against our culture, it is immoral. Is that right? I think many need serious reminding of what the TRUE African dress is. True African dress leaves nothing to the imagination. The upper body is BARE. Nothing at all covers that part. The lower body? A very short cloth barely covering the privates.

And they claim to be going back to the old tradition. What tradition? It certainly isn’t ours we are going back to!

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