Wednesday 5 March 2014

5 types of men we’ve all probably fallen for

I have no idea how many guys you’ve dated so far. You probably didn’t even date that many. But fact of the matter is, once or twice, you definitely found yourself falling for one or two guys in each of these categories.

1.      The Bad boy

He was that guy who wouldn’t even spare you a second glance, the one you had to work really hard just so he would notice. At first you probably wouldn’t even say hi for fear of him seeing right through your crush. When he finally came up to you and struck up a conversation, you could have died.

2.      The Sweet guy

He is probably that guy who made you smile when you thought of him. Why? Because he went overboard. You didn’t see yourself talking to him at all, and somehow he found out what your Facebook name was, sneakily got you to give him your number, remembered the very tiniest of detail about you and made up every excuse in the book just so he could see you. How could you not fall for a guy like that???

3.      The Charming heartthrob

He was the perfect gentleman. Just his smile made your insides tingle, and when he looked at you like that, you couldn’t help but go insane. He was always a step ahead of you, never did the obvious, and took his sweet time showing interest that when he did finally ask you out, you could have flown to the moon.

4.      The BFF

Well he’s the guy you hardly noticed because he was busy acting as your BFF. No subject was taboo, he was your crying shoulder, you could call him anytime and he was always there for you. And when you discovered you had fallen for him, well, you didn’t know what to do about that now did you?

5.      The one who blew you away

And then there are those who literally took your breath away. Every woman loves a guy who takes charge. Not in the irritating way of course. The way he did it probably left you lost for words. Super talkative, didn’t give you the chance to say no. Remember him? The guy who knows what he wants, when and how to get it.
Definite good old days eh? Lol.

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