Monday 3 March 2014

A dip into the world of prostitution.

Have you ever wondered why prostitution is called ‘the oldest profession’? What it is however, is definitely controversial. Sometimes it’s a religious question and at other times it’s a moral one. Both of which hardly warrant basis for enforcement from any standpoint.

I wonder however if this issue hasn’t been solved because of who the beneficiaries are. Who has a problem with prostitutes the most? Society? It couldn’t be the men obviously. Their interests are well served. Single women probably couldn’t be bothered; it has nothing to do with them.

So if its married women who have a problem with prostitutes, is it any wonder why they have been around for so long? I found it interesting there are so many words to describe one who sells herself for sex - prostitute, whore, strumpet, harlot, lady of the night...

Call girl and streetwalker are the two I found particularly intriguing. Call girl, otherwise known as a female escort is a somewhat “classy” prostitute. I suppose they prefer sex worker to prostitute, lol but whatever. These women apparently do not display their professions to the general public. No ma’am. They are too “classy” for that. You won’t even find them in brothels. They may be employed by an escort agency, client must make an appointment and lol, ladies even have their own websites. A streetwalker on the other hand, she is your regular whore. Apparently anything goes for a price.

It seems there are class levels in this business - some trashy and some up class. I wonder what a woman would prefer if she were to catch her hubby in the act. Would she rather have him with a call girl or a streetwalker? Lol, or is there no lesser evil?

Whatever the case, prostitutes are ubiquitous sadly. It’s a wonder how they have weathered the storm. They have survived bans, raids, stigma – one could say they are invincible! INCREDIBLE!

Well that’s the world of prostitution for you. A cancer that can’t be cut off and is oddly embraced by parts of the society. Still calling it a woman’s world? I don’t think so.

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