Wednesday 26 March 2014

Black former BP executive says she was fired because of her ethnic style

Last year early December, a BP executive got fired for wearing ethnic clothing and hairstyles to work. And the excuse she was given was that she wasn’t getting along with her workmates and the like. Funny thing was, throughout the year, she had received excellent reviews. So she, Melphine Evans claimed that it couldn’t be anything else except her ethnic style at work.

So maybe wearing her ethnic clothing was going overboard a little. I mean otherwise, if everyone decided to wear their cultural clothing to work, circus wouldn’t even begin to describe that scenario! But hairstyle!!!??? Now that’s just pushing it!

Apparently her company did not appreciate her natural hairstyles, namely the cornrows and twists. Ah! Now hold it right there! This woman is black! Ethnic hair is part of who she is. And it only makes sense to have styles that suit your hair type! So now it’s a sin to have ethnic natural hair!!!???

She was told her style intimidates her co-workers and that she should only wear it on culture day or during the black history month. Handle!!! In this 21st century people still have the gall to say such things? I know we Black people are super sensitive about these things and had a black person said this to Melphine, she probably would have laughed it off. But if you are getting fired for it you don’t laugh it off ey. You go straight to the courts! And that’s where Melphine headed to without even a backward glance!

They could have said her dressing isn’t professional or whatever, but in an extremely polite and race sensitive manner! Not to go all “your dressing is intimidating and should be left for culture day and black history month”, ah! No way!!!

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