Wednesday 5 March 2014

So why do you love him by the way?

Oft times we become so used to saying I love you that you almost forget why you love him. So what is it about him that sets him apart from every other guy?

Is it his eyes? The way they twinkle when they are taking you in? You know when a smile reaches the eyes, there’s nothing being faked. When you have that eye contact, it’s like there’s no one else in the world at that moment except you and him. And the way his face lightens at the sight of you is most definitely what you dream of at night every day.

Or maybe it’s the way he says your name. Sure one or two random people say your name wonderfully, but nobody says your name the way he does right? And when he calls you by those endearing names like babe, honey, sweetheart, you most definitely feel like his sweetheart hmm?

Why again did you say you love him? Is it the way you feel when you are in his arms? Because really, there’s no better place on earth to be yes? Listening to his heartbeat, and feeling his breath on your neck, how could you not love him for that?

Sure everyone talks of how men in their lives are caring, sweet, thoughtful, considerate and everything, but your man gives a whole new meaning to being in love with you doesn’t he? The attention he gives you, the way he makes you feel a part of his life, the way you know he’s yours no matter what and you his is just magical isn’t it? 

When you’re apart he’s the one always on your mind and when you’re together you can’t think of anything else. You won’t even give the hottest guy in town a second glance. Why? Because he is the one you are always thinking about.

Is it infatuation? Is it just a phase? No darling, you’re just thinking of all the things about him that make you love himJ.          

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