Sunday 9 March 2014

Simuka Comedy and Umahlekisa Comedy Club invade Masvingo

This March Harare’s Simuka Comedy and Bulawayo’s Umahlekisa Comedy Club join forces on an invasion of the city of Masvingo. The first of its kind, an invasion of this nature must not be missed.

Why not? Why well because some of the country’s craziest comics are going to be for the first time in one place. And that one place is none other than Masvingo. If you have heard Clive Chigubhu, Ntando Van Moyo, Doc Vikela and Gift the Cracker individually you can agree with me that the comics are nothing short of insane. Now imagine a show with all four of them. Still wondering why it’s being called the invasion? I think not.

With the arsenal of comedians on a black ops mission of sorts, Masvingo certainly isn’t going to be left the same. What with a whole weekend of crazy laughter? How do I know about the crazy laughter? Well because according to Doc Vikela, “the people of Masvingo can look forward to a great show because we are going to bring it”, and in Ntando’s words verbatim, “We want to break people’s intestines with laughter”.

So if you are in Masvingo or near Masvingo this weekend on the 14th and 15th of March, the place to be is the Charles Austin Theatre because that is where all the action is happening at. Both shows start at 1900hrs and admission is $3 per night.

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