Monday 3 February 2014

The boy is mine: Don’t mess with my man!

It’s been said a million times that ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’. And it’s almost always about a man, when a woman feels really scorned. What I don’t get about this whole feeling scorned issue is when a woman decides to direct her fury to another woman!

If your man decides to play you, then whose fault is that? It certainly couldn’t be the other woman’s. It’s your man who knows he’s got a woman at home, and regardless of who came on to who, your man is to blame because he is the one who is supposed to keep himself in line.
I get irritated and super annoyed by women who get as low as fighting for a guy. And all the while the guy is thinking how bad he is that he has two gals fighting for him. It’s humiliating! Have you ever seen men fight for a girl? If it happens, those few men need to get their craniums checked! Because men don’t do that. So if men don’t do that, women shouldn’t too!!!

Why can’t women gang up against the man playing them for fools? Another scenario is that of a woman who will call and threaten a woman she suspects of having an affair with her man and threatens her before she has understood how and why this woman and the hubby interact.
Honestly, just because you are married or in a relationship it doesn’t mean that you no longer have any interactions with the opposite sex. If there is reasonable doubt that there is another woman, your man is the one you deal with. NOT THE OTHER WOMAN!

Stop being an obsessive control freak and give your man some space. And if it so happens that he abuses that space, then deal with your man!!! And stop bringing innocent women in to your domestics.

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