Thursday 13 February 2014

Happy Valentine’s!!!

It’s that time of the year again when there’s overdose love in the air. I am pretty sure it’s every girl’s fav time of the year. Well, aside from her birthday, Christmas and New Year of courseJ.
So what are your plans this year? Is it going to be a quiet indoors thing for you? Candle-lit dinner, slow music, romantic chick flick...? Or is it going to be crazy partying this time? Well whatever you decide, have fun yeah? It’s not every day you get to wear red top to bottom, and get away with it.
And what present are looking forward to? Chocolate? Lingerie? Teddy Bear? Perfume? Roses? All of the above? Kkkkk I am so glad I am not a guy.
Happy Valentine’s day African women!!!      

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