Thursday 13 February 2014

Simuka Comedy Presents: “Will You Be My Punchline Comedy Night?”

This February Simuka Comedy has refused to be left behind on the love wagon. The comics’ idea of love and romance however, are what comedy enthusiasts should look forward to this 20th of February. Unconventional views and opinions, crazy satire and ridiculous philosophies are what Simuka has in store this post Valentine’s special.

The line up has some of the country’s finest comedians. There will be Comrade Fatso, Simba The Comic King and the Headliner – Q. For all those who have ever been to a Q show, they know he always has a trick or two up his sleeve.  And this time around when it’s his third time headlining and the line up is including Comrade and the Comic King, it’s a show to not be missed whatsoever.
“While everybody is shrieking ‘will you be my valentine’, we’ll be shrieking ‘will you be my punchline’, The Comic King says. “The show is going to be very topical; we’ve got Bev getting born again, Cuthbert Dube and Gumbura of course. It’s a special show we are dedicating to the broke bothers who couldn’t buy their honies anything for Vals”, he adds.

“It’s a huge honour headlining a third time at Simuka. I’m looking forward to it and as I’m going to be testing out some new material, I’m looking forward to the laughs more, genuine ones if I might add’, Q says.
The show will be at the Book Café (139 S.Machel Ave/6th St, Harare), as almost always, starting at 8pm sharp. Admission: $5.

This is one show you do not want to miss people!!! See you there!


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