Monday 3 February 2014

Gumbura to definitely rot in prison

57 year old Robert Martin Gumbura has been sentenced to 40 YEARS IN PRISON! He is to serve his sentence at the Chikurubhi Maximum Prison and God willing will only be released at 97, which should be in 2054J.

Who is R.M. Gumbura by the way? Well he is that Harare “pastor” of the End Time Message church convicted on 4 counts of rape and one count of possession of pornographic materials. Not only is he a rapist, but he is also a proud polygamist who currently has 11 wives and 30 children.
Apparently the aim was 20 wives and 100 children. And in addition to that, he was quite loaded; 10 houses, several cars and US$20000 in an offshore account, among other assets. 

The sad   thing is that members of his congregation actually believed him to be a “man of God”. Only for him to brain wash them and do as he pleased with most of his female members, and get rich in the process.
It’s a shame what deception does to people. This should be a lesson to all Christians out there. Just because somebody claims to be all for Jesus, doesn’t mean it’s entirely true. So instead of being lured by these charismatic preachers for all the wrong reasons (riches, miracles etc), if you are going to go to church make sure the church checks out – doctrine, leadership etc.

We are just glad justice has been served.

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