Friday 28 February 2014

An ex is an ex for a reason. Or is he?

I remember having this very discussion with my friends more than once. We always seemed to disagree on what ex relations should be like.

Usually, the argument is, should we still be friends? When you think about it though, why? Why in the world would you want to still be friends with him? Unless you still feel something for him and you hope that getting in to the friendzone things may just sort themselves out. And I know that usually comes into mind when you have been lonely for so long. But it’s desperate and sad.

Harsh? Well hear me out before you send me to the stake already. Regardless of who broke up with who, staying in contact alone deters you from moving on, now imagine staying friends. That’s how people find themselves breaking and making up a million times. Yeees some people were meant to be and it’s possible to live happily ever after after the break and make up, but that’s the exception.

What is the rule? The rule is that you do not give yourself the opportunity to meet new people if you keep in contact with him. The rule is that you nurture crazy false hopes and you don’t stop being lonely and miserable! You want to know why it’s just wrong again? When you start dating again, do you think new boyfy would like that you keep your old flame around? Would YOU like to see his old flame being his best buddy? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

So does that mean you should be sworn enemies of each other? At first, yes. Having a soft spot for him just after the break up does not help at all!!! Hate him to and from hell in the beginning so that you give yourself time to move on. When you have, you have no reason really to despise him because hey, if he were still around, you wouldn’t be with the fine catch you have now.

And when you are finally having amicable relations again; make sure they are just that. Because yes, even if he asks you for a make-up, you should think about it, is it worth it? Can he just come back in to your life after whatever it is that broke you up? Can history be avoided? Can you be vulnerable with him again? If your yeses aren’t hesitant then he so cannot stay your ex. But if there are yeses and no’s, hating him your whole life time is probably bestJ.

Cheers to keeping the exes in their place- yeah that’s right – nowhere! BECAUSE THEY MUST HAVE NO PLACE IN YOUR LIFE ANYMORE!!!!

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