Thursday 13 February 2014

Mibvunzo Nhando: Nothing as frustrating!!!!

My little brother didn’t go to school sometime last week. So my aunt sees him during school hours and instead of asking him WHY he wasn’t at school, she calls him numerous times until he answers and she goes: “you didn’t go to school today?” I was speechless! It took every ounce of energy to refrain myself from remarking, “oh no he’s there alright, this is his hologram you see”. Talk about a classic mubvunzo nhando.

Mibvunzo nhando is simply a Shona term for absurdly silly questions. Interesting thing is, we are all guilty. At one time or another, we’ve all displayed seriously blonde behaviour. However, regardless of the fact that you’ve been blonde yourself here and there, it does not mean that hearing someone ask these silly questions is any less annoying.
You’ll be at the mall and someone asks you “what are you doing here?” Uhm, duh! Excuse you! What do people do at the mall? Milk cows? Or someone calls you at 3am! A.M! And they go, “sorry dear did I wake you?” Seriously? What did you think I was doing at that hour? Making lunch?

I suppose at times people find themselves asking such questions as conversation starters, small talk even. Personally however, it takes me all I have not to snap. And that is what is frustrating - giving a polite response to ridiculous questions.
Talk about bearing your cross.


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