Friday 28 February 2014

Heartbreaking heartbreaks

One rarely ever has okay breakups eh? Unless maybe if you are the one initiating the break up. Of which even in that case, if you really did love that person, am pretty sure some part of you will still be pained.

I always wonder why it hurts so much when he decides to leave you. He’s not family, you didn’t grow up together and he certainly isn’t dying. So what’s the deal? Apparently the heart is a very fragile vessel eh?

I don’t know what hurts the most, when it’s unexpected or when you had seen it coming? When it’s unexpected I suppose it cuts because you would have been in a bubble, thinking you are there together yet, the whole time he was probably scheming on how to get rid of you. Eish! I suppose that cuts even more because then you start to wonder what went wrong. Was it you? Was it him? What happened? Did you do something or is he just a deucebag? It’s frustrating!

And if you had seen the signs all along, I figure him beating you to it is the worst. Everybody’s got healthy amounts of pride. And it must be that wounded pride that makes the heartbreak even more heartbreaking. You figure why didn’t I just end it when I saw the signs? Strained conversation, him being distant, not calling as often, feeling like you were forcing him to go anywhere, and just that intuition that this is over.

But then, am pretty sure at the time you didn’t want to be rash. You figured he’s probably going through something and made up a million excuses for him. And then after the breakup upon reflection, you can’t stop kicking yourself for being so stupid and not being the first to act.   

The nasty thing is, regardless of how many people you’ve dated, you can never get used to heartbreak. It never gets easier and you sure never get used to it. True African Woman feels you if you’ve just gone through a heartbreak. And it must be hard when everyone is feeling all romantic for no reason.

Well we can’t say get well soon. Or our condolencesJ. Wait a minute, what does one say to that? Well whatever, point is, you’ll be fine and not too far from now, you’ll be so thankful for this very heart wrenching moment. But in the mean time, be strong and know that you’ll be fine. He isn’t worth your tears at all. But it doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself feel better by crying out a whole river. Cry out a whole ocean if it makes you feel better. Just know the pain like everything else will end and you’ll be fine.

In the mean time, our prescription is lots of ice-cram, chocolate, tissue, chick flicks and girl friends. Now that you have the ingredients – you know the drillJ.

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