Monday 3 February 2014

High Definition Defined

If you are the kind of person who loves going out for functions, then you must have run in to High Definition once or twice. Remember them; the ones who’ve made James Blunt’s ‘Goodbye My Lover’ one of their trademarks? Do the names Basil Chirengendure, Takudzwa Samoyo, Tanaka Roki and Takudzwa Bere ring a bell? Well they are the guys who make up High Definition.
“We are a theatrical hip hop dance crew, which means a combination of theatrical screenplay and dance”, said Basil, the group’s spokesperson.
The dance crew originally started in 2010 with three people and this year they have been rebranding and as soon as the new recruits get the hang of it, the older members plan to step back and focus on managing High Definition.
“You can hardly find M.J, Usher or Chris Brizzy in our dances. We are original in terms of creation and we always try to fuse our traditional culture”, the spokesperson said.
“Ours is a protest against negative stereotyping against dance. Zim is an academic country and people aren’t too supportive of their children if they desire to take dance professionally. So we are going to be having concerts, themed ‘The Protest’ actually”, he added.
On that note, one of the group’s members, Tendai Guzha actually opened his own dance school. Tendai however is going to be focusing more on his school now. And High Definition seems to be succeeding in their protest as they have been getting quite impressive recognition. They have won a numerous dance battles, curtain raised for a number of international artists including Sean Paul and they even performed live on the Big Brother Africa Amplified Stage in 2011!
We were curious to know about what Basil thought about ladies going crazy for guys who can move, and his response was, “mmm I’m not sure about that rumour. I wouldn’t know. There’s always been a myth, it’s in their minds, seems ladies have wild imaginations. End of the day I’m just a guy doing his thing”. Lol, is that right??
Apparently even in real life, groupies do the craziest of things. One time, one wanted them to sign an autograph on a body part (he wouldn’t reveal which part exactlyJ). Did you sign? We asked. “Just making the fans happy”, he said. (Ha ha yeah right).
Unfortunately for the ladies, the mature members are all taken. A total buzz kill given the month we are in yeah? Yeah.
For Vals, the gentlemen are going to treat their ladies and we must say kudos to them for handling their men being such public figures. I know I would always have hypertensionJ.
“This 2014 we want to cover all grounds and even get in to charity”, Basil said. “We love that kind of thing because we are all mamas’ boys; we are all last borns you see”. Weird doesn’t get any weirder! We ought to start calling them ‘the last borns association’ eh? Lol.
And that was our moment with High Definition. Cannot wait to bump into them again soonest! On stage this timeJ.

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