Monday 30 December 2013


When you find yourself smiling to yourself for no reason, thinking about him every waking second of your life, and wishing you were with him all the time... then you should know that YOU ARE HEAD OVER HEELS FOR SOMEBODY!!!

Almost everyone has been hurt more than once or twice in their lifetime. And at that time when you thought your heart couldn’t take any more pain and you had vowed to never let yourself be vulnerable again, someone came along and whisked you away and you never knew what hit youJ.

But then even with that, you probably still wonder if you are actually in love with this person, or maybe you are just going along with the tide. However, there are always those tell tale signs that if not obvious to you are blatantly clear to anyone who cares to take a glance.

Take willingly taking absurd risks just to be with him for example. If you are still under your parents’ roof and your parents are the typical ones who always need a good story for them to let you out of the house, then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. When Keisha White said “you make me lie”, girl was being for real. But point is, no Tom, Dick and Harry can “make you lie and make someone else an unknowing fool”, if you weren’t hopelessly in love with them yes?
When you find yourself only having eyes for him and no one else, even when he’s leagues away, then you know. They say “out of sight, out of mind”, but then again, they also say “distance makes the heart grow fonder”J. It’s the kind of guys who you are really not that in to whom will go out of mind as soon as they are out of sight. But when it’s him, the heart can’t help but grow fonder.

I did say before that we’ve all been hurt before. But when you begin to really fall for someone, you stop caring if they break your heart or not. It doesn’t matter anymore about being cautious and everything. All you care about is enjoying it whilst it lasts and if something goes wrong, whatever, point is, you would have lived, loved and loved it.
Now if that’s not being hopelessly in love, I don’t know what isJ.       

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