Saturday 21 December 2013

Wannabe Bad Boys Trying To Look All Macho #SAD

Have you ever met guys who want to look all macho, but in actual fact aren’t? Guys who want to give the impression they are bad boys, when in reality they are anything but?

I got into the same kombi as some guy I know last week. This guy is usually very reserved, almost totally inconspicuous – you wouldn’t even realise he was there even if he said hi. So on this particular day, I saw him coming in and he was about to sit close to me and I thought aah nice, someone I know, I am so not going to pay for my own fare.
So obviously I had to chat him up and be nice, aaargh what a mistake that was. The whole ride from town to my place seemed to never end. Just listening to him talk was an arduous task! I won’t lie, at first it was actually quite amusing, but then it wasn’t long before he became outright annoying. And that’s when I realised, this isn’t the only guy who wants to put up a front of the kind of person he isn’t.

The amusing thing is, actual bad boys don’t go around telling people what they are. All it takes is to just look at them and you will know without being told that the guy is a bad boy. Granted, many girls are attracted to these kinda guys, but the allure dies if you have to wait to be told the guy is a bad boy!
There’s another guy I know who for lack of more adequate terms I will say annoys and irritates me to the core! Everything about him is fine, until he starts talking. He always wants to give the impression he’s popular, that nothing worth mentioning can be done without his presence or approval and this is the killer; he’s the kind of guy who wants to give the impression that he’s arrogant and doesn’t care.

I know by now you are wondering why I have a number of people who irritate me, but that’s what it is, and since you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, I am resigned to being forever annoyed by these people. Another group of guys who make my skin crawl are the ones who to be frank aren’t much to look at, nothing about them is the least bit charming, yet they feel like they are the kings of this world. Ah!
What is sad is that these wannabes actually believe they are God’s gift to women. They actually believe girls are attracted to them when they go all wannabe bad boy. UNBELIEVABLE!!!


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