Tuesday 17 December 2013


If there is one thing which never fails to baffle me, it has to be the men, wives and prostitutes “love triangle”. Well first of all, what is it exactly? I used “love triangle” for lack of a better phrase but really, what do these people have going on?

One thought is; why do men decide to be promiscuous? Is it because they have too much love that one woman cannot take it alone? When they go off to prostitutes, is it because they love them? Or is it just that they do not respect and love their wives enough?
Or maybe it’s the wives’ fault. I’ve heard it being said more often than not that women change as soon as they get married. That Miss Independent who used to be a traffic stopper transforms into a nagging cow. Where once her scent could make a guy miss a step, she now smells of baby milk. She spends the whole day in horrible baggy clothes and doesn’t seem to care what happens to her hair. In that case, do we really blame the guys for seeking for greener pastures elsewhere?

And then sometimes I wonder; maybe there is something the prostitutes have that the wives back home don’t. Do the men get better treatment there? Are they made to feel more like real men when they are there?
But then there are those women you just wonder at how a man in his right mind can leave such a woman. You know the kind I’m talking about; the kind who are the essence of elegance, and the epitome of beauty and sophistication. Yet you will still hear that someone cheated on her. So now that gets me confused. What do men want?

Is it so difficult to have one woman till death do you part? I mean, why settle down if you are not ready to settle down? Yes we may say wives this and that, but is it the wife’s duty alone to make sure her hubby doesn’t cheat? If marriage is a partnership, then aren’t both parties responsible for keeping each other happy?
Apparently all that glitters ain’t gold eh?

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