Sunday 1 December 2013


The festive season almost always brings out the best in anyone. What with everyone coming back home for the holidays and everything? It is this time of the year too; that you see hoards and hoards of people coming back in to the country from almost all parts of the world, South Africa especially.

I often feel like Zimbabwe has become the rural home for Zimbabweans living down south. You don’t think so? Well, remember back in the day when people used to come from the rural areas to Harare to work; and then at the end of the year, they would travel with groceries for the folks back home. And what happens nowJ? People in Mzansi are there working and it has become tradition for them to come back home every end of year.

It now feels like S.A is Zimbabwe’s new capital. So sometimes I like to imagine that the cities and towns in Mzansi would be the suburbs of our country’s capital. So Cape Town, J’oburg, Durban and Pretoria would be Zim’s suburbs just like Avondale, Gunhill, Borrowdale, and Highfields, lol.

Alright, back to reality, don’t you think it funny how even though the standard and cost of living there is obviously better than here but most people will always prefer to come back to the motherland? In spite of the long journey, ridiculous hours spent at the border and shock of different environments, they will always come back home to where mama is because there just is no better place to end and begin the year at.

And just like back in the day when people in the rural areas would look forward to their relatives coming back home, people in Zim also look forward to their families coming back home from South Africa. So as you who are in Mzansi are travelling back home from school or work, travel well because we all cannot wait to see you!

We miss you, love you, always look forward to your coming (well, the Rands especially), but all the same, it’s good to have you back home, because there is no place like home after all. And when all the family is together, it doesn’t get any warmer. Happy Festive season Africa!

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