Thursday 12 December 2013


The second night of the Simuka Comedy Fiesta at the Zimbabwe German Society last night was nothing short of awesome! A definite battle of the comics. I mean even the open mics were on point and we could tell the pros felt the pressure.

Tavengwa and Simba (J not The Comic King) were the open mics and nothing else can be said except that they blew us away. Tavengwa especially because this is the first time he really did make us laugh insanelyJ. And Simba; my oh my. His composure before he speaks you would think he was not going to do anything worth listening to, but afterwards, you are left thinking, “this guy is amazing!” His ghetto chick vs uptown chick was as hilarious as it was insulting.  And he got away with it too, how could he not when he managed to get roars of laughter out of us.
Seb Diesel was hosting and yes, he made the show very interesting. What with his random “games” with the audience? His hosting was most definitely a breath of fresh air from the last two times we saw him performing (lol, just saying).

The Comic King was first up, and well, they do not call him the king for nothing. Handle! In his introduction he says:
“This show is sponsored by Savanna so if the jokes are dry ladies and gentlemen, blame it on the alcohol”

Ha ha, well the jokes were far from being Savanna because we definitely took them!!! (Not saying that we won’t take the actual Savanna lol). We loved his composure and stage presence – the guy wasn’t rushing to get off stage and we liked that because we didn’t want him to go anywhere either! We also appreciated the fact that he had lots of new material as well as a lot of twists to his old ones. We say that because there is nothing as irritating as hearing the same thing over and over again, especially if you are a crazy fan.
Finally it was the Headline Act’s turn – Clive Chigubhu. This time, he came with a bang! We could tell he could feel it was a comic battle too because before he went on stage, there was no smile from the guy. He hardly responded to anyone. And then when he got onto the stage, he was a different man! He got laughs at every turn, and with his energy, nobody could afford to not fall in love with the guy. I mean who wouldn’t when he entered with Xigubu playing in the background? He made us laugh so hard we could NOT resist responding to his signature “yeeeee yeeeeeeee”.

We so cannot believe the fiesta is almost over. This was giving us something to look forward to every evening! But we will not weep just yet because tonight is going to be even more explosive. Why? Because there is Carl Joshua Ncube, Ntando Van Moyo and Q The Boss on the line up, back at the Book Café. So see you there ladies and be prepared to laugh your wits out! Lol, no pressure Simuka.



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