Saturday 21 December 2013


I’ve always wondered why guys do things for girls. As in, why do they buy airtime when you call and ask for it, why do they give you something of theirs even if they don’t want to, or why do they go out of their way just to make you happy?

Someone said it must be the smile. But it got me thinking, really? Does giving your best smile and batting your eyelashes have such an effect; so strong that you can get a guy to do almost anything for you? But what of when your request is over the phone, via text even? What motivates them then?
And then another thought came. Maybe it’s because guys hate to see a damsel in distress; but then, why such good hearts? People are never just nice for no reason with no ulterior motive. Because it doesn’t make sense, how is it when it comes to girls, guys suddenly feel the urge to become good Samaritans?

Or perhaps they only do nice things for us because they are hoping for “something” in return. But then again, that doesn’t make any sense either. Because sometimes you manipulate a guy you don’t even know to do something for you and sometimes it’s not even a big thing that warrants him getting “something” in return. It could be you asking for change, a good table at a restaurant, cheaper cab fare... It’s weird!
So what is the conclusion of the matter hmmm? How do gals get guys to do their bidding so easily? Is there something about being a female that a guy cannot say no to? Does it depend on the female asking and the male being asked? Is it manipulation on the female’s part or would the male have wanted to help the damsel regardless of what and how she would have asked?

What say you ladies and gentlemen?



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