Tuesday 17 December 2013


Tariro Ruzvidzo a.k.a Tariro Negitare is among Zimbabwe’s young artists soaring in the music industry. With Oliver Mutukudzi as one of her many inspirations, Ruzvidzo has never looked back ever since her discovery by Edith weUtonga back in '09. We met up with the Singer, Songwriter and guitarist and this is what she had to say:

   TAW: It’s quite an interesting name you’ve got there Tari. Why Tariro Negitare?
   {She smiles} “Well, it’s a true representation of who I am. I am Tariro and I play the guitar. I wanted a name that would truly represent my image and what I do and still maintain my identity as a Zimbabwean musician. That’s why it’s in Shona.” {hmmmm}

  TAW: We know in addition to being an artist, you are also a business woman and  female activist yes? Do tell us about your alternate egos?
  “Alternate egos? {She laughs} Yes I run a company called Wildfire Africa which specializes in events and PR. I also run a project called the Acoustic Night which I run in partnership with the Zimbabwe German Society to promote performing artists. I am also an activist for gender issues, mainly promoting gender mainstreaming in all spheres and because of this I am a board member for Teshe Young Women’s Movement, an organization that promotes women empowerment.” {Talk about super womanJ}

TAW: You seem to have a special relationship with the Zimbabwe German Society.   Care to tell us about that?
“The ZGS is a cultural institution that promotes relations between Zimbabwe and Germany. Wildfire Africa, which is the company that I run is in partnership with the Zimbabwe German Society for a project I founded called the Acoustic Night. Apart from that it is a great venue for shows and a cool place to hang out.”

TAW: With such affiliations with the ZGS, do you speak German then? How many     more languages do you speak?
“Ich Spreche ein wenig Deutsch (I speak a little bit of German.) {ha ha ha}Prior to our Germany tour earlier in the year, part of our preparation was to learn German. It’s a pretty difficult language but it was fun because our class was full of artists. I also speak some French which I learnt in High school.” {Now how about that}

TAW: You also have a family yes? How do you juggle being a mom and super woman?
“Motherhood is not easy but it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I suppose juggling everything is really by God’s grace and it keeps me going. I wouldn’t want it any other way! A lot is about time management and setting priorities.”

TAW: Tell us a little about your family?
“I come from a family of 3 boys and 2 girls, me being the fourth. I have a daughter and she is 7. They are extremely supportive and love them to bits!” {Ncoooooh}

TAW: What crazy thing are you going to do before the year ends?
“My life is crazy enough!” {ha ha is that right?}

TAW: What is the dumbest thing you have ever said or done?
“Mmmh! Now why on earth would I want to expose my dumb blonde moments??” {She laughs} {lol, even we can’t help laughing to that!}

 TAW: Finally, what would you like to say to your fans?
“I would just like to thank the fans for the overwhelming support so far and assure them that the best is yet to come. I also want to encourage everyone to believe in their dreams and to do the best in everything because you never know which area God will release your purpose!” {Absolutely touching!}

And that was our moment with Tariro Negitare.





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