Monday 9 December 2013


Red, red wine
Stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearin' apart
My blue, blue heart

If you remember these lyrics then you are no longer as young as you would like to believe yourself to beJ.

So someone I know lost a job recently. The hilarious thing is, most of her friends are also jobless – some never got jobs since they left school and others, like her, were just recently fired. Now how does that work really? How is it that we are considered to be a country with one of the highest literacy rates in Africa, yet those many “educated” brains do not seem to be doing anything worth mentioning!

A friend of mine today sounded very frustrated this morning as he was going to work. He has just graduated, is volunteering, so there is no salary to talk about. Some of his peers are already doing their Masters Programs and his frustrations were that he still has to continue with his schooling because there is just too much competition in this country to allow yourself to be complacent and be comfortable with mediocrity. Yet, even with that, getting a job is no piece of cake.

They say “necessity breeds invention”. So how about we quit whining and feeling sorry for ourselves and be a little creative. Duncan Campbell and his whole mob of friends came together in 1978 and gave the world what became one of the best all time bands - UB40.

Lol, so how about we have our own modern day UB40s springing up? UB40 Comedy Club, UB40 Street Theatre, UB40 Clowns...J. So if you were wallowing in self pity, cheer up dear, and make the best of your situation.




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