Friday 6 December 2013


Tuesday night was just a crazy night at the Book Café as #ALMOSTAllDivas made its first appearance. There was a reasonably good crowd, with more divas in the house obviously. Yey to the girl power support! Women cracking jokes on stage was an extremely welcome relief especially when the show was happening in line with the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.

BlackPearl was hosting the show and to say she killed it would be an understatement! But let’s put a pause on that for now and talk about Kessiah. Kessiah was first up and ha ha the diva is insane. Our favourite was when she did impressions of women crying at funerals – our African funerals. J You just had to be there, because that gal can put up a show!
Izzy the Witt was next and well nothing does it like a diva who talks like she knows everybody has got to sit, shut it and listen because she is on stage. We totally loved. But then again, it’s probably a poetry thing because even BlackPearl had that effect on stage and they are both poets.

Speaking of BlackPearl, we never want to miss her show ever. What with the invaluable info she always has for the ladies? No way! Our fav was when she coached us on how to get a guy to get you a drink at a fancy place and then lose him in ten minutes. At this point we got an N.B – it’s not gold digging, the gold is already on the surface, so all you are doing is picking it up, lol!
Marian was the last diva of the show and my oh my was it a chore for us. Two minutes in to her set we had more than gotten the point that she has a rainbow family, with mixed blood beautiful children. She on the other hand felt it of utmost import to make sure we got this fact so we had to endure more than 10minutes of being told of just how beautiful her children are.... And BlackPearl just had to air out what we were all thinking and she goes “Good for you Marian. Well done for having light skinned kids”, lol.

And then Simba The Comic King gave a nice finishing touch to the evening. He had the house in roars of laughter with his impression of His Excellency. Worse still when he went like:
“In the words of Junior Brown, pihwai zvimhandara akomana...” ha ha

Afterwards, my friend was like, “that guy is good!” in between bouts of laughter. I couldn’t have said it better myself! And the show ended with Kessiah’s performance. #TotalyGreatMidweekFun!


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