The past couple of months have been living hell for us
Zimbabweans! We have become so accustomed to electricity (like any
civilized society should) that now that we are experiencing serious load
shedding, most of us are now suffering from what I would like to call the ZESA
What is the ZESA Anxiety? Well, it is that deep
frustration you get when you think about electricity. Mind you it does not only
happen when there is no electricity, even when it is there. It happens when you
are worried that you will not get to finish what you are doing if electricity
suddenly decides to go MIA on you, or when you are wondering why electricity
has not gone yet and you are thinking anytime now, but please no, and when it’s
not there and you can hear generators from other houses and at your own, it’s
as dark and silent as dark and silent get!
Since 2007, we have been having power cuts, but this is just
ridiculous. Yes they probably have good reasons why they are
doing this to us, but it does not mean we are going to understand and neither
are we going to suddenly sympathise!
ZESA defines load shedding as a controlled temporary way of
cutting power to parts of the country. The
question here is what do they mean by temporary? Because there is nothing temporary about
having our power being periodically cut since 2007! Unless they are referring
to how it goes and comes.
ZESA has “assured” its customers being load shed that they will
experience a power failure for not more than 5 hours. Really? And
that should soothe us somehow? Five hours is a long time when all your gadgets
have run out of power and you are lying on your bed day or night dying of
boredom, anxiety and frustration! And it gets worse ey. The Zimbabwean power
system is going to remain vulnerable for the next five to eight years given the
shortage of capacity to generate more electricity.
If you thought it
was going to get better, sorry my friend. Oh sorry,
did I just cause another ZESA Anxiety attack? Lol.
Breaking News From Zesa:Kuvagari vose
ReplyDeletevemuZimbabwe munokurudzirwa kuti mukaona
magetsi emumharaunda enyu aita mazuva matatu
asina kumbodzima muzivise vekumahofisi eZesa
nokuti inenge iri fault iyoyo.Isu veZesa tinovimbisa
kuti tichange tichishanda zvakaomarara kuona kuti
magetsi iwayo adzimwa.Tinotenda nekunzwisisa
Lolst Kundai!!!