Sunday 27 October 2013


There is nothing as irritating and annoying as people with phoney English accents. It’s sad, pathetic and just plain shallow!

I’m a fan of killer accents. That is one of the first things I notice about a person when I meet them for the first time. Some accents have almost had me molten to the point where I have had to force myself to respond because I’ll just be enjoying the listening part of the conversation.

I’ve noticed people who went to private schools got the best pick of the kind of accent any black person could ever wish for. It’s not fair yes, but that’s just how it is. I suppose it’s the exposure to a number of races in terms of both the faculty and student body.

It is from the rest of us who went to either former Group A or B schools with accents which aren’t much to speak of that you will find wannabe white people. Funny story actually because during the conversation you’ll be dying from suppressed laughter and wonder at how a grown human being could seriously do a thing like that.

There is nothing wrong with being proud to be black! Everybody has their own accent. Don’t we all just love the French, Italian and Spanish accents? They are just to die for. Why? Because I figure we have been conditioned to think like that and frown upon our own accents. If you are Shona, Ndebele, Zulu or Xosa be proud of that accent because it is who you are and try as you might, you can never be white, even MJ failed.

Yesterday actually, I was talking with a couple of ladies whom I know for a fact went to government schools, just like I did, and who, like myself never spent more than a year at once outside the country, yet I was surprised to hear them speak as if they had just landed from the UK. Sad thing was, it was such a poor imitation of the English accent it sounded horrible!

The bitter thing in a situation like that is you cannot really tell someone to drop it and be natural because that would be just mean. I get tempted sometimes though, kkk don’t they say be cruel to be kind?

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