Friday 4 October 2013


 I am seriously considering suing Simuka Comedy for their show last night! Seriously! Up to now, I still find myself laughing to myself, and nobody but me knows what I’m laughing about! So if I find myself at the psych ward, I am coming for you Simuka!!!!

Q the Boss was undoubtedly the star of last night’s show. He literally had everybody doubling over with laughter at every turn. His come backs were even more classic! He would say something not so funny and he would go

            “To be honest it sounded funnier in my head”, or
            “You better laugh here guys coz I worked real hard at that joke”, or
            “Even if you don’t find this story funny I don’t care because am still gonna get paid at the end of the night”, lol, Totally EPIC!

But let’s rewind a little to when the show started. There were a number of opening acts, who to be honest, had me worried they would botch it up somehow. But most of them delivered, and even had the crowd in stitches here and there. My only query was with one or two who seemed to think comedy is equal to being vulgar. If you are not going to make it funny, then do not be dirty ey. But as they are up and coming, we will not hold it against them, kudos to them for getting on that stage.

Michael K as always captivated the crowd and made sure that everybody had value for their money. Seb Diesel, sadly was definitely off his game and Edgar Langeveldt who was the show’s host had his moments, but his best was when he did an impression of His Excellency!!! The only thing missing was a standing ovation, but otherwise, to say everybody thoroughly enjoyed it would be an understatement.

One hilarious thing that got me doubling over more than the comics themselves was the guys behind the scenes. If a comic got out of hand say he over stayed his time, music would start playing, or (this is the best part) his mic would be switched off, totally! I mean, who does that??? Lol, apparently Simuka does. 

Now back to The Boss. His very first statement got some lady furious, causing an altercation between the two. That lady should have known better than to start something she couldn’t finish with Q. Maybe it was the liquor. Speaking of, several people apparently couldn’t handle their liquor that night, that we who were at the back had several spectacles to speak of for ages!

The Boss is arrogant, but he has charisma as well, which is probably the reason why he somehow got everybody singing along to the soundtrack of Fresh Prince. Most of you may know of the proverb seka urema wafa (only laugh at disability when you are dead). Q the Boss seems to not have that proverb in his Shona vocabulary because he made a dig at Steevie Wonder’s being blind in a way that got the crowd laughing uncomfortably. Uncomfortably yes, but laughing all the same. And after he had made us do that, he goes on to ask us in wonder how we could laugh at that joke.

Overally, it was definitely a good show. Yes there were some blank moments, but thinking about it now, they were actually quite hilarious. Simuka Comedy is most definitely the place to be everytime it’s on!!!

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