Sunday 13 October 2013


I was getting my hair done last week when I felt the worst of me surfacing. This lady came to sit next to me, waiting to get her hair washed. She had long to die for hair, and not just my opinion, even her hair dresser thought so and she told her as much. And what was this woman’s response? “Oh I actually want to cut it, it’s bothering me now, and I don’t even want it anymore”. Ah! I was so annoyed, I scowled, rolled my eyes and in my mind am like “oh puhleez!!! Give us a break woman!!!

I hate it when women do that. Why can’t they just take a compliment and say thank you? In salons especially, everyone wants to seem as if they really do not care about their hair but if you do not, why are you paying ridiculous amounts of cash and spending the whole day in the salon??!

Another thing that irritates me is a woman who will gush at how long your hair is before she has undone hers. And then when she has had her hair undone you are left thinking “what is wrong with you, your hair is amazing!!! What was all that gushing about? Unoda kuwonererwa!”

At this point, you are still thinking to yourself. But as it so happens, you are probably not the only one who would have been annoyed. Your hair dresser, a couple others and the next client would have felt the same way too. And so the gossiping begins. That lady is stripped naked, and when she comes back, everybody smiles and in turn gushes at how lovely her hair is. But since now the subject obviously has to change, more targets are chosen.

You see, the salon makes gossiping so interesting because you can talk about everyone all you want without seeming as if that is what you are doing. Those huge mirrors do not only work wonders at showing you how beautiful you look. They work pure magic at spotting interesting targets. The hair dresser is usually the one who points them out. So amazing how she always seems to have all the juicy info about everyone. The funny thing is, you never think of what others are probably saying about you right then, or what your hair dresser is going to be saying after you’ve left. But who cares? As long as you are enjoying yourself then, lol.

 I figure the salon just brings out the worst in any woman. You get annoyed by the silliest of things, you always spot women who think they are all that and you instantly get irritated. And you just cannot help but share it with your “best friend” for the moment, lol.

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