Thursday 10 October 2013


ifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr delivered what has become the greatest speech of the twentieth century – I HAVE A DREAM. He envisioned that all Americans, including racial minorities, would not only have unfettered access to vote, but, more important, have an urgent reason to go to the polls. What did not reach even his wildest imagination though, was the possibility of the minority races being VOTED FOR! But half a century on, the USA has a black president!

Moral of the story? Dreams come true, regardless of how wild they may be and oft times, they may even be sweeter and grander in reality. However, that does not mean that the road to realising them is paved with gold. You will face opposing forces in the form of challenges, negative criticism… the list is endless; however, soldier on because the harder you flap your wings, the higher you will soar.

Non-people related challenges are usually easier to handle, one can always find cheaper substitutes. People-related problems now are a whole different issue altogether. Words are the most powerful tool that man has been given. They can either make or break someone. And more often than not, they break someone.

With that knowledge, you should be wary of who you keep in your company, because like it or not, what people say affects you one way or another. There is nothing wrong with a friend who will tell you things for what they are and not sugar coat the truth. Those are more valuable than the ones who will only tell you what you want to hear. It is another thing however, for someone to always put you down and make you feel worthless and shoot down whatever ideas you come up with.

Do not keep such company because it does not do you any good. Rather, drop them and do not even feel guilty about it; because if they do not value your friendship enough to support you in your endeavours then why keep them? You obviously have more things to worry about without the negative energy added.

So do yourself a favour and get rid of all that negative energy around you and focus on achieving those dreams, because it is possible!!!

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