Sunday 27 October 2013


The past year or two, Hip hop in Zim just hasn’t been the same with Tehn having declared who the new king of the roost is. Why he took his sweet time coming we just wonder, because clearly he was born for this. Happy and Grown up Kid are amongst our personal favourites and we know the numbers still make you go crazy as wellJ. So we caught up with the brother last week and this is what he had to say:

            I’m just a young Zimbabwean with a dream and the courage to chase it. TALK ABOUT HUMILITY, WE COULD COME UP WITH A WHOLE LOTTA WORDS TO DESCRIBE HIM!!!

            It’s a hip hop group made up of myself, JBrown and Take Fizzo.

            My given name is Tendai. When I first started, my stage name was Diamond and my friends started calling me Tendai Diamond and then when I decided to go professional, Tehn Diamond was born. EISH! HOW MANY OF YOU COULD SPICE UP YOUR NAMES LIKE THAT!!?

            I don’t know, I just started calling myself Happy Smurf. A lot of my stuff is online, so for my online persona I decided on Happy Smurf. HE COULDN’T HAVE DECIDED ON A MORE APT NAME – DUDE IS ALWAYS SMILING! WE FIGURE HE KNOWS HIS SMILE’S GOT MAGIC ON THE LADIES!!!

             It was end of 2008 when I came back from Australia having dropped out of studying finance. So I had no degree, but a mixtape. A friend of mine who had a club in Singapore invited me there and I was there for 10 months. I had a ball, with my face on the billboards and everything and they loved my music. TALK ABOUT HAVING THE REAL DEAL!

            I’ve always loved music. Finance wasn’t my thing. I’ll probably finish the degree though, just for my mom, coz I always say it’s her degree, so I’ll finish it and hand her the certificate. NCOOOOH ISN’T THAT SO SHWEET? IF ALL SONS WERE LIKE TEHN!

             They are still taking it. (HE LAUGHS) LOL, NAUGHTY NAUGHTY.

            It was incredible, I was so nervous. It was like a flash, one minute I’m on stage, the next I’m off and then there’s all this hype. I barely savoured the moment. TOO BAD EY, WE REMEMBER IT LIKE YESTERDAY, AND YOU WOULD NEVER GUESS HE WAS NERVOUS, DUDE WAS ON FIRE!!!

            Never ever!!! No! I can’t be on camera 24hrs!  I KNOW A LOTTA LADIES WHO’D LOVE TO SEE HIM 24HRS ON AND OFF CAMERA kkk!!!

            I’m an entreprenure, I got my own hustles. Right now trying to be a mushroom farmer. THAT PIC JUST ISN’T COMING – TEHN IN THE FIELD? LOL, NOO!!!

            My stage fashion has been evolving for a number of years. It was at BBA that I decided I wanted people, especially the kids to see Africa when I’m rappin and not a cap and chains – but the true Africa. J AND TRUE AFRICAN WOMAN TOTALLY APPRECIATES!!!

            It’s like an open diary about my experiences with my brothers Brizzy and Take Fizzo. And it’s titled so because it depends on whom you are and you could be like eish! Tozvidawo, it aint fair. LOL

            A number actually. (AND HE PUTS ON A SINISTER SMILE) my mom and my three sisters (FELOW GOT JOKES) and of course my girlfriend. She keeps me centred, stable and focused. NCOOOOH WE COULDN’T BE JELOUS EVEN IF WE WANTED TO!!!

            Does it have to be an artist? (WHOA HE ACTUALLY HAS A CRUSH!!!? NO IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE AN ARTIST.)  Boitumelo!!! She’s my African celebrity crush! KKK OH OH TEHN’S GIRLFY BETTER WATCH OUT HERE LOL.


There is nothing as irritating and annoying as people with phoney English accents. It’s sad, pathetic and just plain shallow!

I’m a fan of killer accents. That is one of the first things I notice about a person when I meet them for the first time. Some accents have almost had me molten to the point where I have had to force myself to respond because I’ll just be enjoying the listening part of the conversation.

I’ve noticed people who went to private schools got the best pick of the kind of accent any black person could ever wish for. It’s not fair yes, but that’s just how it is. I suppose it’s the exposure to a number of races in terms of both the faculty and student body.

It is from the rest of us who went to either former Group A or B schools with accents which aren’t much to speak of that you will find wannabe white people. Funny story actually because during the conversation you’ll be dying from suppressed laughter and wonder at how a grown human being could seriously do a thing like that.

There is nothing wrong with being proud to be black! Everybody has their own accent. Don’t we all just love the French, Italian and Spanish accents? They are just to die for. Why? Because I figure we have been conditioned to think like that and frown upon our own accents. If you are Shona, Ndebele, Zulu or Xosa be proud of that accent because it is who you are and try as you might, you can never be white, even MJ failed.

Yesterday actually, I was talking with a couple of ladies whom I know for a fact went to government schools, just like I did, and who, like myself never spent more than a year at once outside the country, yet I was surprised to hear them speak as if they had just landed from the UK. Sad thing was, it was such a poor imitation of the English accent it sounded horrible!

The bitter thing in a situation like that is you cannot really tell someone to drop it and be natural because that would be just mean. I get tempted sometimes though, kkk don’t they say be cruel to be kind?

Sunday 20 October 2013


My mother always says real life makes for great television. And she’s right, television doesn’t even have the best of drama, comedy, horror or fiction kkk.

Personally, I do not like to be in a situation where I do not know where I stand. If we are friends let’s be that, do not be going all boyfriend-like on me and not actually follow through on the asking me out part. IT’S FRUSTRATING!!! And the nasty bit is when you cannot do anything about it. If you ask him out, he probably wasn’t thinking about it, or he doesn’t like being asked out by a girl and rejection of that sort is horrible! And you really do not want to push him away because you like him too much. STRESSFUL!!!

Every girl thinks her boyfriend is that one and only being dreamt of by every girl on the planet. If you ask a girl if she thinks her boyfriend would ever cheat on her, without thinking most times, her answer would be ‘not in this lifetime’. So sad, because am sure it’s only a handful of guys who follow the one-man-one-woman rule. It’s amazing how one can get away with it though. We almost always see the tell-tale signs, but it’s so hard to face the truth and only when you catch him red handed or if he “confesses” that you feel like slapping yourself. Funny thing is, every girl thinks she can’t be played, but almost all the time, she does get played.

Have you ever met an ex you dumped and felt like being sick? Not because he is disgusting or anything, but you are thinking argh!!! If only I hadn’t been too materialistic! Let’s face it, dollars do matter (lol, sometimes). Now meeting him alone might just be nasty but not nearly as, if you are still single and he’s engaged. Mmm mmm mmm definite dagger through the heart!

When we were in school, there was always that girl you loathed. Maybe it was because she was brighter, richer, hotter, or whatever. Girls like that you wish to never meet again in life, lol. Well here’s the irony, imagine meeting her later on, and she is way up there kkkk and you are way down there. Wouldn’t you just want to kill yourself! The perfect scenario I guess would be for roles to be reversed ey, she down there and you up there, lol, pity fate doesn’t usually give you what you want.

It’s funny how you never think of karma when you are the other woman. Apparently, what goes around comes around. So maybe you did not know you were being played, but after he probably “confesses” and makes amends and swears to you that you are his sun, moon and stars now, what makes you so sure that he will not cheat on you like the way he cheated with you? Harsh, but true and super frustrating if you ask me!

There is nothing as embarrassing as uncomfortable silence. It could be when you are still a new couple and you do not know anything about each other, and both of you are probably shy. I wonder which is worse though, that silence over the phone or in person, lol. What of when you are at the brink of breaking up. At that point you don’t even want to talk to him, whatever he says is irritating, whatever he does is annoying and you are still not sure if you should stick around and work at it or just leave him, lol, how in the world could you make conversation in that scenario?

Eish! If all that had to happen to you life wouldn’t be fun at all! But wait, it probably has happened, is still happening and will still happen! What to do? I recommend taking everything as it comes and laughing about it afterwards because if not, you couldn’t stay sane. Life!


One thing I have failed dismally to understand is men! Why at all they bother with us when they do not seem to appreciate us once they have gotten us I don’t get. And the annoying thing is, in most cases, you will love and hate him at the same time in spite of whatever he has done to you.

We girls have been hurt by these guys so much it’s unbelievable! Some will make you feel like you are the problem, while others will leave you wondering if there is something wrong with you. And as if that isn’t enough, when you are almost healed after the break-up, the weasel will try and oft times succeed to worm his way back in to your life. As if that isn’t enough again, he will hurt you again in almost the same way he did the first time. But what do you do? You ignore the signs because you love him and because you can’t believe he could actually hurt you a second time. Mxm!

It’s always some work, school or family thing they got going on that prevents them from either seeing or calling you. My question is really? Out of a whole 24 hours, you were too busy that you could not spare a few minutes to call me and hear how I am or pass by my house and just see how I’m doing? Incredible!

Some guys make you feel as if their only goal was to have you say yes when they asked you out and brag to their boys that they can get any girl they want. Honestly! Otherwise what else could be the reason for them being nowhere to be found when you are supposed to be madly in love with each other?

Now this just makes me furious! If you have a girl already, why are you getting all cosy with me? At first I probably don’t even like you and then when you have made sure that I’ve fallen head over heels for you, I find out that you were dating someone else already! Ah! Why!?? What’s the point to that? Do guys have a biological quest to hurt as many girls as is possible? I just don’t get it!

Too bad we many a time cannot tell what kind of guy we get ourselves hooked up with. I mean, when he comes up to you the first time, charming his way to you, you could never know that beneath that dashing smile is a pig who is going to see to it that you regret the day you laid eyes on him. Nxa!!!

Sunday 13 October 2013


Radio has for ages remained a very powerful media worldwide. Even with the various advances in technology which have seen new forms of entertainment especially over the internet, radio still remains the most outreaching. Yes! You can play music on your iPod, iPad, phone (these days almost everything seems to start with an 'i'), but nothing can beat that 'voice', the voice of the dj introducing music. No wonder they have included the radio app in all those 'i' gadgets!

Our 'Star of the Week' is in my opinion, (which by the way, is sought after world overJ) a revolutionary in the broadcasting industry. She makes radio sound so super sexy. She is none other than Power FM's Primrose Jani better known as 'The P Factor' (I always say she is the 'P' in 'Power FM'! (There! I've said it again).

Primrose Shamiso Jani is a 29 year old (though I doubt the authenticity of the fact because 1. she looks 23 and 2. how often does a lady reveal her age?) radio and TV personality, music librarian, voice over artist and producer amongst many other things at ZBC, the country's national broadcaster. She has been with ZBC for a good decade plus 1 year which means she started out at the tender age of 19 (based on my theory she started at 12- hey! it's possible maybe she was one of those Power kidz J). Her work CV would take you ages to go through because she is all over the place from marketing, advertising to logistics; she is what we would call in simple terms, a hard worker!

Born and bred in Gweru, she attended Nashville and Chaplin high schools (and here I was thinking all the pretty girls went to Regina Mundi). Her story to where she is today is a fairy-tale full of inspiration. After her 'A' Levels, her parents could not afford to take her to university but that did not take her down. She had to do an LCCI course and after lessons she would go to the then 3FM studios to hang around there. Being someone who loved learning, she was so enthusiastic about how the station was run. She would help out at their music library learning more about radio in the process.

As time passed, she had learnt so much that she could do everything that was supposed to be done by a librarian and was also learning more about broadcasting as a whole. Now fate is one funny thing, it just takes an unexpected turn of events for you to realise it. The librarian whom Prim had become an understudy to, got married and had to change base and that created a vacancy within Power FM. The decision as to who would fill that vacancy was an easy one to make as it was a unanimous one. I mean, who wouldn't want such a smiling face in their library? So she signed a contract and as the cliché goes, the rest is history. When Power FM moved back to the bright lights of Harare (not so bright these days), she started spreading her wings and branched out to TV as well becoming the presenter of Gospel Blend on Channel2. Her voice can be distinctly heard on most advertisements on both radio and TV.

Midnight radio does not get any better than The Playroom Party - a show which is her personal creation. "Radio is my passion, I'm all about making people smile”, she says with that trademark smile on her baby face. Personally I have always thought being on air at night is a bit challenging (I love my sleep) but Prim says it's fun, "people 'hear' the radio during the day but 'listen' to it during the night and that makes it so much fun especially with the interactions with your listeners."

Power FM for a long time enjoyed what I would call a 'monopoly' but with the coming in of two new players in the industry, we have seen some competition arise and I asked her if as a station they were worried of losing listenership. "Power FM is a big brand and it's not easy to take us down. It's not a fluke that we won Super brand of The Year two years in a row. The competition only makes us stronger as we now work harder." So to all those who thought Power FM was finished, think again!

A proud mom, Prim likes spending quality time with her two boys (can't say they are cute because I'm a guy but yeah! They look like their mom) Kupakwashe and Tadiwanashe. She watches cartoons with them, feeds them (a lot) and takes them out but she instils in them good values, morals and behaviour and raises them in the way she was raised herself. "I thank God for them, they are the reason why I'm a hard worker."

Prim feels that it is hard being a single mom because society judges you in all kinds of ways but, "I love my kids and I would never give them up for anything", she says. Being a small town girl, Prim finds Harare to be difficult to adjust to (we totally understand). She is reserved at times and sees Harare's social life a bit extreme. Power FM however holds 'family nights' and Prim says they are fun. She is a mother both at home and at work as she loves serving her colleagues especially at functions. Oh! And did I mention she loves eating (a lot).

According to her, a True African Woman is someone with hunhu (good morals) and is respectful to others (for me anyone like Prim is a true African woman). She is inspired by Bridget 'Bubbling B' Gavanga who was her mentor when she started out. To all those out there who (like me) dream of being on radio one day, "radio is you! it just requires you to be confident, you just have to put yourself out there it's not about having whatever degree".

Prim is planning to work on a project that is surely going to change reality TV in Zimbabwe forever as it will be the first of its kind in this land (watch this space!!!). The sky is certainly not the limit for this young lady and one can only wonder, 'what next?!!'..."You never know, acting maybe!”. In the meantime, for all you radioholics like me let's make full use of the time we still have in The Playroom to play and dance to the hits especially those 90s mid-retro. It can only be The P Factor on Power FM!

Catch The P Factor for:
The Playroom Party every Saturday @3 am,
The Dairyboard Power Kids weekdays @2:30
On 99.3 Power FM
Facebook: Power FM Zimbabwe

The writer Eddie Love Jones Biriyati is the Entertainment reporter for True African Woman Magazine. He is also an events dee-jay.


I was getting my hair done last week when I felt the worst of me surfacing. This lady came to sit next to me, waiting to get her hair washed. She had long to die for hair, and not just my opinion, even her hair dresser thought so and she told her as much. And what was this woman’s response? “Oh I actually want to cut it, it’s bothering me now, and I don’t even want it anymore”. Ah! I was so annoyed, I scowled, rolled my eyes and in my mind am like “oh puhleez!!! Give us a break woman!!!

I hate it when women do that. Why can’t they just take a compliment and say thank you? In salons especially, everyone wants to seem as if they really do not care about their hair but if you do not, why are you paying ridiculous amounts of cash and spending the whole day in the salon??!

Another thing that irritates me is a woman who will gush at how long your hair is before she has undone hers. And then when she has had her hair undone you are left thinking “what is wrong with you, your hair is amazing!!! What was all that gushing about? Unoda kuwonererwa!”

At this point, you are still thinking to yourself. But as it so happens, you are probably not the only one who would have been annoyed. Your hair dresser, a couple others and the next client would have felt the same way too. And so the gossiping begins. That lady is stripped naked, and when she comes back, everybody smiles and in turn gushes at how lovely her hair is. But since now the subject obviously has to change, more targets are chosen.

You see, the salon makes gossiping so interesting because you can talk about everyone all you want without seeming as if that is what you are doing. Those huge mirrors do not only work wonders at showing you how beautiful you look. They work pure magic at spotting interesting targets. The hair dresser is usually the one who points them out. So amazing how she always seems to have all the juicy info about everyone. The funny thing is, you never think of what others are probably saying about you right then, or what your hair dresser is going to be saying after you’ve left. But who cares? As long as you are enjoying yourself then, lol.

 I figure the salon just brings out the worst in any woman. You get annoyed by the silliest of things, you always spot women who think they are all that and you instantly get irritated. And you just cannot help but share it with your “best friend” for the moment, lol.

Thursday 10 October 2013


I have always wondered; why do kombis only decide to go rogue on you when you have somewhere to be and you are super late? Have you ever been in a situation where if the kombi would take off there and then, you would just barely make it? But as if fate knows you are in this situation, the driver will on this particular day decide to stay below the speed limit and go through every road in your neighbourhood looking for passengers. And then when the kombi is full and you are somewhat relieved that you are on your way finally, cops decide to show up and a good 10 minutes or so is wasted playing cops and robbers. Argh!

When it comes to change, it is only in a kombi you will see the value of a R5. Isn’t it humorous how regardless of how much you have in your pocket, there is no way in the world you will ever willingly leave the conductor with your R5, J.

Kombis aren’t all bad though. I especially love how maverick the drivers become when they are working the morning traffic. If you want to beat the morning traffic, the kombi is your best bet, because as long as there’s a pavement, you are home and dry!

I am always fascinated by the passengers. It’s as if there is a PLEASE BE QUIET sign in the kombi. Because as soon as one gets in they become quiet and either goes deep into thought or gets absorbed with his phone. There are those however, who do not seem to see this invisible sign. Of this group, there are some who will humour the passengers, while some will make the girl they are seated next to regret everything that led to her seating at that particular spot at that particular time, lol.

My favourite are the wannabe cool guys who will get into a kombi as a group and want to give everyone the impression that they are “it”. They will talk at the top of their voices, making sure everyone hears the conversation, they will have an opinion about everything and just about everything tickles them. But then, you may have been in this group once or twice, lol. So maybe it’s the curse of boarding a kombi as a group of friends, lol.

Lots of drama goes on in the kombis every day! Reality tv doesn’t even have the best of it, because the whole kombi experience – it’s in a class of its own, lol.


ifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr delivered what has become the greatest speech of the twentieth century – I HAVE A DREAM. He envisioned that all Americans, including racial minorities, would not only have unfettered access to vote, but, more important, have an urgent reason to go to the polls. What did not reach even his wildest imagination though, was the possibility of the minority races being VOTED FOR! But half a century on, the USA has a black president!

Moral of the story? Dreams come true, regardless of how wild they may be and oft times, they may even be sweeter and grander in reality. However, that does not mean that the road to realising them is paved with gold. You will face opposing forces in the form of challenges, negative criticism… the list is endless; however, soldier on because the harder you flap your wings, the higher you will soar.

Non-people related challenges are usually easier to handle, one can always find cheaper substitutes. People-related problems now are a whole different issue altogether. Words are the most powerful tool that man has been given. They can either make or break someone. And more often than not, they break someone.

With that knowledge, you should be wary of who you keep in your company, because like it or not, what people say affects you one way or another. There is nothing wrong with a friend who will tell you things for what they are and not sugar coat the truth. Those are more valuable than the ones who will only tell you what you want to hear. It is another thing however, for someone to always put you down and make you feel worthless and shoot down whatever ideas you come up with.

Do not keep such company because it does not do you any good. Rather, drop them and do not even feel guilty about it; because if they do not value your friendship enough to support you in your endeavours then why keep them? You obviously have more things to worry about without the negative energy added.

So do yourself a favour and get rid of all that negative energy around you and focus on achieving those dreams, because it is possible!!!

Friday 4 October 2013


 I am seriously considering suing Simuka Comedy for their show last night! Seriously! Up to now, I still find myself laughing to myself, and nobody but me knows what I’m laughing about! So if I find myself at the psych ward, I am coming for you Simuka!!!!

Q the Boss was undoubtedly the star of last night’s show. He literally had everybody doubling over with laughter at every turn. His come backs were even more classic! He would say something not so funny and he would go

            “To be honest it sounded funnier in my head”, or
            “You better laugh here guys coz I worked real hard at that joke”, or
            “Even if you don’t find this story funny I don’t care because am still gonna get paid at the end of the night”, lol, Totally EPIC!

But let’s rewind a little to when the show started. There were a number of opening acts, who to be honest, had me worried they would botch it up somehow. But most of them delivered, and even had the crowd in stitches here and there. My only query was with one or two who seemed to think comedy is equal to being vulgar. If you are not going to make it funny, then do not be dirty ey. But as they are up and coming, we will not hold it against them, kudos to them for getting on that stage.

Michael K as always captivated the crowd and made sure that everybody had value for their money. Seb Diesel, sadly was definitely off his game and Edgar Langeveldt who was the show’s host had his moments, but his best was when he did an impression of His Excellency!!! The only thing missing was a standing ovation, but otherwise, to say everybody thoroughly enjoyed it would be an understatement.

One hilarious thing that got me doubling over more than the comics themselves was the guys behind the scenes. If a comic got out of hand say he over stayed his time, music would start playing, or (this is the best part) his mic would be switched off, totally! I mean, who does that??? Lol, apparently Simuka does. 

Now back to The Boss. His very first statement got some lady furious, causing an altercation between the two. That lady should have known better than to start something she couldn’t finish with Q. Maybe it was the liquor. Speaking of, several people apparently couldn’t handle their liquor that night, that we who were at the back had several spectacles to speak of for ages!

The Boss is arrogant, but he has charisma as well, which is probably the reason why he somehow got everybody singing along to the soundtrack of Fresh Prince. Most of you may know of the proverb seka urema wafa (only laugh at disability when you are dead). Q the Boss seems to not have that proverb in his Shona vocabulary because he made a dig at Steevie Wonder’s being blind in a way that got the crowd laughing uncomfortably. Uncomfortably yes, but laughing all the same. And after he had made us do that, he goes on to ask us in wonder how we could laugh at that joke.

Overally, it was definitely a good show. Yes there were some blank moments, but thinking about it now, they were actually quite hilarious. Simuka Comedy is most definitely the place to be everytime it’s on!!!

Wednesday 2 October 2013


The past couple of months have been living hell for us Zimbabweans! We have become so accustomed to electricity (like any civilized society should) that now that we are experiencing serious load shedding, most of us are now suffering from what I would like to call the ZESA Anxiety.

What is the ZESA Anxiety? Well, it is that deep frustration you get when you think about electricity. Mind you it does not only happen when there is no electricity, even when it is there. It happens when you are worried that you will not get to finish what you are doing if electricity suddenly decides to go MIA on you, or when you are wondering why electricity has not gone yet and you are thinking anytime now, but please no, and when it’s not there and you can hear generators from other houses and at your own, it’s as dark and silent as dark and silent get!

Since 2007, we have been having power cuts, but this is just ridiculous. Yes they probably have good reasons why they are doing this to us, but it does not mean we are going to understand and neither are we going to suddenly sympathise!

ZESA defines load shedding as a controlled temporary way of cutting power to parts of the country. The question here is what do they mean by temporary?  Because there is nothing temporary about having our power being periodically cut since 2007! Unless they are referring to how it goes and comes.

ZESA has “assured” its customers being load shed that they will experience a power failure for not more than 5 hours. Really? And that should soothe us somehow? Five hours is a long time when all your gadgets have run out of power and you are lying on your bed day or night dying of boredom, anxiety and frustration! And it gets worse ey. The Zimbabwean power system is going to remain vulnerable for the next five to eight years given the shortage of capacity to generate more electricity.

If you thought it was going to get better, sorry my friend. Oh sorry, did I just cause another ZESA Anxiety attack? Lol.

Tuesday 1 October 2013


sk any person to love you and they will come running. Ask that same person to define love and it would be like you would have asked them to perform a miracle or something. Great people have tried to explain love with various theories but none of them have convinced everyone. How one simple four-letter word can be so complicated has remained a complex puzzle for generations. Now for someone to defy all these odds and define love in the simplest possible way is truly amazing. It takes what I can only call greatness and this someone can only be defined as the greatest of the current time.

            "Mwoyo yedu ikangowirirana, hana dzedu dzikangoroverana, maziso edu              akatarisana.....runonzi rudo" (if our hearts are in harmony, if our hearts beat together, if our eyes's called love).

That is how Pah Chihera has defined love through her debut single Runonzi Rudo off an album of the same name. The song has touched the hearts of millions of Zimbabweans and has without doubt made many fall in love all over again. The song has become an anthem and has shot to the top of the local charts.

Born Pamhidzai Tracy Mbirimi, she is the last born in a family of 5 (4 girls and 1 boy).'Pah' is short for Pamhidzai and 'Chihera' is her totem in typical Zimbabwean culture. Her musical journey started in her early years when she was part of the school choir from the fourth grade at Zuvarabuda Primary School. She also became part of the church choir. As she grew up, her talent also continued to blossom and she became a backing vocalist to a number of artistes among them Newman Chipeni and her uncle, Prince Musarurwa who also features on Runonzi Rudo - the current number 1 song on Star FM and Zimnet Radio (an online station based in the UK).

Pah also impressed when she performed at the Book Cafe as a backing vocalist for a group called Savanna and that really helped her own project to get recognition. Just like any aspiring artiste, Pah Chihera dreamt of making it in the music industry but not in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that her very first single would be a big hit. Just like most chiheras, Pah is beautiful and is blessed with an outstanding voice. The song Runonzi Rudo, she says, was inspired by the fact that people have lost the true meaning of love. "These days it's all about money, people don't care about the basic things in love anymore," she said. "That inspired me to write the song," she also said, dispelling any thoughts of it being inspired by personal experiences.

Her sound is a fusion of tropical and afro-contemporary rich with a Zimbabwean traditional feel. Other songs on the album are Musavadadire Varume, which urges women not to take their men for granted; Murume Wangu, Ringe Ringe, Wakandishora and Musaite Mheremhere. The album was produced by popular producer, Slimaz.

A very humble, chilled, laid back and down to earth young lady, Pah says her mother is her role model and she credits her for having raised the family well especially considering that her father passed away when she was still in grade 5. "My mother is my hero," she proudly says. Just from talking to her you can see how much she adores her, for when we asked her what being a True African Woman means to her she just said, "You have to be humble, down to earth and hardworking just like my mum".

Musicians who inspire her include Oliver Mutukudzi, Selma Mutukudzi, Zahara, Prince Musarurwa and Prudence Katomeni Mbofana. She has definitely learnt a thing or two from these artistes and combined it with her awesome abilities to come up with a complete masterpiece. Pah Chihera is also a dancer and model. She started modelling when she was in form 1 and she won many accolades during her high school years. She also participated in Miss Juniors Zim under Size 4 Agency. She went on to start her own stable -Tracy Divas, an amazing feat for someone who is still only 22. However, modelling has been forced to take a back seat to her booming music career. She however says she plans on re-igniting the flame in her modeling interest by opening a new stable.

The response from the fans has been overwhelming and in a short space of time, she already has more than 1200 fans on her official Facebook page. Piracy is a scourge which has affected many local artistes but so far she is not complaining. Great works of art should surely be rewarded and it seems to be promising for her. The colourful video of the song Runonzi Rudo is well arranged and its concept is definitely 'Truly African'. There is no doubt that it is destined for the number 1 spot come end of year.

The other videos are going to be shot this month and the complete DVD should be out by the end of the month. Pah Chihera is not married but that does not mean she is single so we will leave that to the imagination. You will be surprised to know that she likes watching cartoons and is super scared of cats and mice. So for those guys out there who might fancy their chances of getting this hottie, you better start killing all mice and cats around, you might just charm her (Don't tell the SPCA we said that).

As we have completed another great year online, it is our great and singular honour (politicians’ style) to be associated with this talented artiste on our birthday and as such she is this year's True African Woman of The Year in music and entertainment. Seems the sky is more than the limit to her as we look to the future. So as we all celebrate let us all sing along to Runonzi Rudo all the way. 2ruly African....

Bookings +263 733 685 074
Facebook Pah Chihera

The writter Eddie Love Jones Biriyati is the Entertainment reporter for True African Woman Magazine.He is also an events dee-jay.