Monday 6 January 2014

Holding it down with Kritic Igwee

For all those of you who thought entertainment in Zimbabwe is equals to Harare, this month we have a rude awakening for you. Mutare is doing it big these days and this time around we caught up with one of the city’s big hip hop artists – Kritic Igwee (You would think he’s Nigerian right? Lol, you can totally be forgiven for that).

TAW: So for a guy called Kudakwashe Muchinguri, forgive us if we find it difficult to grasp where Kritic Igwee comes fromJ. So do tell, where did your name come from?
At first it was 'Kritic' derived from 'critic' - a name my friends gave me for being a very analytic and outspoken person. After noticing there were other mcees calling themselves 'Kritic' as well I decided to add 'igwee' which is a popular Nigerian term of high repute for chief, king etc

TAW: We understand you are in to poetry as well. How does one mix being a rapper and a poet?
Rap stands for 'Rhythm And Poetry' so it’s really not that difficult mixing rap and poetry coz I believe they are one and the same thing.” Mmm we didn’t know that! Total fun fact eh?

TAW: You sang in a boy band after high school in 2001 yes? Why did you split up and where are the other guys?
 Rap group is a better term. Boy band sounds like one of those Westlife or Backstreet boys type of   singing groups. We split up after realising we had artistic differences and decided to go our separate ways. There were 5 of us and only 2 of us are still doing it seriously, that’s kaygee 40 and I. The other guys had to concentrate on other commitments.” Ha ha ha he doesn’t seem to like Westlife, rap group it is then.

TAW: You seem to be very proud of being from Mutare. Tell us about that.
Yes I’m proud of being someone who comes from one of the most quiet, peaceful & popular places in Zim mostly because of the beautiful mountainous environment and the Diamond era we had some years back.”

TAW: And your song Time Will Tell was recommended for a NAMA award! How does that feel?
It feels great to have been recommended for nomination for such a prestigious award at the biggest Award events in the country. To me it means some people have noticed and appreciated my work and considering where I’m from just being nominated is a big thing.”

TAW: What  have you got planned for 2014?                                                                                                  
Brace yourselves for the album to be titled 'Stand Up' coming out early this year - no release date as yet. Also look out for more music videos this year.”

TAW: And just before you sign out, do tell us about that true African woman in your lifeJ.
She is beautiful, she is true, intelligent, loving, a woman of substance, supportive & has been with me ever since my genesis days. Yes, she is my Mother.” Ha ha mxm, to think he actually had us there. So so sweet, but come on KRITIC!

And that was Kritic Igwee. He says brace yourselves; indeed we shall, because we so cannot wait for Stand Up ehJ?






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