Wednesday 1 January 2014


Finally!!! 2014 is here!!!

January 1 of every year is always an exciting time. We are all glad we survived the past year long enough to get into the new one. The atmosphere is pregnant with anticipation, positivity, hope and merriment. In short, it’s just a great feeling everybody has on this day.

Thinking about it, what did you do all the past January 1s? I remember when we were little it was just as good as Christmas. We would dress up and spend the whole day playing records (kkk). My personal favourites were Michael Jackson and Mango Groove; oh didn’t we just have an AWESOME time??!!! And on New Year’s Eve we would stay up late with the fam, scream at the top of our lungs at midnight, and then shortly after, go to bedJ; #goodtimes.
And then we grew up, lol. If there isn’t a party here, there’s a party there. If so and so don’t want to go there, another so and so is so available. One New Year’s Eve is spent with the boyfy making you go insane at that time and another is spent with the GIRLS!!! Girls’ night outs are always the best. You can go insane all you want and lots of dares go on; #craziness.

The partying ends and what now? Holiday is almost over, gotta go back to reality soon. But just before work or school starts, the euphoria is still in the air and so we all have a whole lot of resolutions we make. “I want to stop doing this and that this year, I want to start 1 2 3 and I should definitely pick up where I left on A B C”. It’s a great time; #NothingBeatsIt.
Even when you know you’ve never followed through on previous resolutions for the past twenty or so years, it doesn’t matter. Why? Because the New Year is a symbol of new beginnings. A time you decide to start afresh and become a whole new person.

So regardless of how futile your efforts have been the past years to actually follow up on New Year’s resolutions, don’t give up now. There are always those bad habits that need abandoning; and those things you’ve always wanted to do – what better time to start than January 1? #NewBeginnings.
HAPPY 2014 AFRICA, enjoy every minute of it and make every moment count. Remember, life is too short for regrets.

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