Thursday 9 January 2014

8 Step Guide to Understanding Men

1.      Rude awakening ladies!!! There is no such thing as ever getting to a point where you can safely say to yourself “Now I understand the animal called man”.

2.      You just prepare yourself for disappointment if you aim to understand what goes on in those brains of theirs.

3.      Sure you can drown yourself in all that nonsense of “thinking like something and acting like something”, but the only thing you can do for sure is act like a woman. Why? Because you are one! As to the thinking like a man part, I don’t know.

4.      Men don’t seem to know what they want.

5.      One minute they say a tamed woman is what makes them feel like a man, and the other, a submissive woman is too dull for their liking – all of a sudden they need a spitfire to keep them worked up, aaaah!

6.      They say they don’t want to be nagged; but if you don’t “remind/nag” them, nothing will get done!

7.      Best thing to do for yourself is to do what you feel like doing girl! If you feel like being tamed at one moment and like a maniac the other – knock yourself out!

8.      Because doing things to always please him just won’t work! Why? Because you can never know what pleases him. That’s the thing. You can never knowJ.


  1. A Mans Response to the 8 Step Guide to Understanding Men

    1. Most men start of knowing that we will never understand she defined as woman. That's what makes some of us intrigued and others fearful.

    2. I'm not sure women would be disappointed at what goes on in a mans mind, in fact I believe they will be surprised at how uncluttered it is, unlike....

    3. Good advice. Women should not try to act like a man, all they need to know is how to act like a woman that knows how a (her) man acts. Be yourself, we're really not that complicated to figure out.

    4. Not true. Many men do know what they want. We just don't like telling you if we believe its not what you want. If he doesn't know then your looking at a boy not a man.

    5. Know your man. Some men like women that have fire and keep them in 'hunter mode', others like submissive women that make them feel like they're in charge (even if the opposite is true). The best case scenario (IMHO) is a woman that is a bit of both, independent, yet willingly interdependent, passionate and yet sincerely compassionate.

    6. Yes we hate nagging, gentle reminders are much better. Again its not nothing will get done, its more we prioritise the thing you're nagging about much lower than you do.

    7. See response 5. I agree though, be yourself, there's nothing more addictive than a woman whose got a mind of her own. As long as you're loyal to the relationship a woman who can switch from 'maniac' to 'tamed' mode without going too far in either direction is what we call interesting. (be warned however: not all men have the skills to handle this)

    8. There's nothing wrong in either man or woman trying to please the other. You can always know if you ask. Open and honest, communication as with most things is the key to a great relationship. Always has been always will be. Just be aware that it takes time for most men to trust another to open up and talk.

  2. :) Thank you Toyin for such a detailed response. You had us doubling over more often than not though, lol - always good to hear what the actual men think eh
