Thursday 30 January 2014

Prophecies gone wrong or lucky guess streak come to an unexpected halt?

We yet again have something to talk about in this countryJ. I always enjoy these moments, they are priceless!!! So what are Zimbabweans so hyped up over this time? Prophet Chiza.
Most of the country was pretty excited about the Warriors. With that going on, Prophet Chiza probably decided he couldn’t resist the lime light, so, he started making prophecies. Of course to get popularity he had to declare the Warriors would win. And win they did. The prophet’s lucky star must have been shining very brightly.

Then came the Libya game. I really don’t know what to say to that. Did something go wrong with the visions? Or was the prophet guessing and gambling that he would be right the whole time only for the lucky guess streak to come to an unexpected halt? Because on this game, the prophet did not miss the mark, he went straight for the woods!

According to him, the game was supposed to be a win for Zimbabwe, results of 3-0. Now this is the hilarious part. Not only did Zim lose, but the results were nowhere near the prophet’s predictions! Zim lost 4-5.

This just so cannot be good for the prophet. It’s embarrassing!!! I wonder though how he “saw” his results. Lol, did he hear a voice telling him the results? Or did he see the game playing in his mind? Honestly, prophets and preachers and the whole lot should just stick to the business of bringing people to Jesus and leave results predictions to sports analysts and fans.

All for the love of the game they say, lol.

Selmor Mtukudzi’s true love story

When it’s February, one cannot help but be a hopeless romantic. And when you have something to give you the excuse you need for being one, then what can you do but knock yourself out? Selmor Mtukudzi is that excuse. Her love story with music and her husband is nothing short of magical. It’s how she is such musical royalty too. True, only SHE gets to pull that one off. I mean honestly, living legends for a father and father-in-law, and a fellow musician for a hubby? Not forgetting of course how she is strikingly beautiful with a heavenly voice to go with too. Picture perfect doesn’t even begin to describe Selmor. So who is this fairy-tale princess? Take a read of a dialogue we had with her not too far back to find out.
TAW: How does it feel to be a Mtukudzi and married to a Manatsa? Those are some big names you have.
“It doesn’t feel like anything, it’s just me.” (Well we could definitely tell her how it feels! UNFAIR!!!)
TAW: Apparently your mom (Melody Murape) and aunt (Bybit Mtukudzi) used to sing together back in the day, what happened to the “sister in-law” duo?
(She laughs) “I don’t know. Was I born even? I heard they did a few songs that were hits though.” (Royalty doesn’t get better than that! Even the mom and aunt were in to music!)
TAW: We know you did a sound track for Godwin Mawuru’s movie at only 10! How was that experience?
“The movie was called ‘I’m the future’. Being 10, I was excited about acting and it was fun.”
TAW: And then you were part of a number of groups. What did you gain from them?
“I learnt a lot. Tanga Wekwasando was the first person I worked with after school and he helped me gain confidence and how to sing on a microphone (lol, apparently it’s an art, you don’t just sing on a microphone!). Kwekwe band was a different feel because it was a rock band, so it was fun. And Pax Afro was fun too. It was a youth band, we travelled a lot and working with Jonathan Moyo is just amazing – he’s a great man.”
TAW: And your hubby (Tendai Manatsa) is a musician too, do tell us about him.
“He’s a loving husband, great father, amazing musician and a great guy.” (ncooooh, isn’t that so sweet? But then again what would she say; he was sitting with us! lol.)
TAW: How is it working with him? Don’t you get tired of being with him 24/7?
“NO! We are friends. Before we started dating we were friends, now we are best friends, and you don’t get tired of your best friend do you?” (We are still amazed! 24/7! Wow! How is that for overdose romance?)
TAW: And you decided to part ways – musically that is. Why? (NB: This just means they don’t sing together, he’s still her production manager though. Complicated eh? We know.)
“We felt we were individual artists who needed to expand individually”
TAW: How did the two of you meet?
“We met whilst we were working with Tanga, but we got to be just friends. And then we started dating in 2004 when we met at Pax Afro and then got married in 2007.” (I need Kleenex!!!!)
TAW: When did you know he was the one you were going to spend the rest of your life with?
“After dating for 2 months I knew he was the one.” (And Tendai interjects “so why didn’t you propose?!!!” lol, aren’t they so adorable!!!)
TAW: How can you describe your music?
“My music is a fusion of Afro – beat and modern sounds, with some influences from my father’s songs”.
TAW: And this last December you shared the stage with Mokoomba. How was that?
“That was amazing!! It was the show of the year. We had so much fun, they are a tight band.”
TAW: What have you got planned for 2014?                                                                               
“Well, I’m gonna be working on my new album, doing some collaborations and videos too.” (Busy gal she is).
TAW: With Feb around the corner, what have you got planned?
“On the 14th, Tendai and I are having a show together at the Book Café, after not performing together for so long, so yeah, hope we get lots of couples come through.” (Hear that ladies? Book Café is the place to be on Vals!!! J.
                                                            The end.


·         The word “cosmetic” comes from the Greek word kosmos, which means “of this world or worldly.”

·         It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.

·         The first makeup was used when Egyptian women painted their eyes, applying dark colour under the eyelid and blackening their eyelashes.

·         In October 1999 an Iceberg the size of London broke free from the Antarctic ice shelf.

·         The thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo.

·         The first nail polish was invented in China in 3000 B.C. by mixing egg whites, beeswax, gum and coloured powder.

·         If you could drive your car straight up, you would arrive in space in just over an hour.

·         Giraffes often sleep for only 20 minutes in any 24 hours. They may sleep up to 2 hours (in spurts – not all at once), but this is rare. They never lie down.

·         In the Victorian era, upper class women did not wear any makeup, since it was only used by stage actresses, working class women and prostitutes.

·         On the day that Alexander Graham Bell was buried the entire US telephone system was shut down for 1 minute in tribute.

·         The world’s smallest winged insect, the Tanzanian parasitic wasp, is smaller than the eye of a housefly.

·         In 1952, roll on deodorant was inspired by the ball-point pen.

·        Ancient Roman toothpaste contained ammonia from human urine, which whitened the teeth

·         A dog’s sense of smell is 1,000 times more sensitive than a human’s.

·         Only humans sleep on their back.

·         Sound travels four times faster in water than in air.

·         Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

·         Lightening never strikes the same place twice.

·         No matter the size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven times.

·         The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.

·         One quarter of the bones in your body is in your feet.

·         Coffee beans can be mixed into B type blood, changing it into O type blood

Now how about that for showing off!!!


Is there any such thing as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or are they mere demons?

Writing this article I am not too sure which tone I ought to use; a sarcastic one, open minded or strictly biased one. Reason being, I am rather sceptical about this disorder, however intriguing the subject may be. So do not be confused when you note varying tones, I’ll probably just mix depending on what I happen to be talking about. But first of all, what is (DID)?

Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder is defined by the fifth, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as including the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that alternate control of the individual's behaviour, accompanied by the inability to recall personal information beyond what is expected through normal forgetfulness. Apparently, the disorder is a reaction to intense trauma and the different identities, referred to as alters, may exhibit striking differences in speech, mannerisms, attitudes, thoughts, and gender orientation.

The number of alters varies widely, with most patients identifying fewer than ten, though as many as 4,500 have been reported. The primary identity, which often has the patient's given name, tends to be "passive, dependent, guilty and depressed" with other personalities or "alters" being more active, aggressive or hostile, and often containing more complete memories. Most identities are of ordinary people, though fictional, mythical, celebrity and animal alters have also been reported.

Now let’s stop right there and back to reality before we get too technical in medicine. Multiple personalities? How is that even possible? Well, common symptoms of DID include hallucinations and ‘hearing voices in one’s head’. If that is not being mad, plain and simple I have no idea what is. I find it interesting how science attempts to explain everything logically. In this case, it seems the scientist could not dismiss a condition of one jut going bananas. Apparently, there had to be an explanation and hence DID.
Look at it this way, you see someone screaming and running around one minute and the next they are as calm as calm gets, what is that? DID? No! It’s called being mad. And saying it is insanity is one way of putting it. Another would be to say witchcraft was at play. Lol, I know I know people in Africa have a way of dismissing almost everything confusing as witchcraft, but in this case, witchcraft couldn’t be too far off the mark.

The Christian in me would probably say they are demons. Remember the guy who had a legion of demons, and only became NORMAL after Jesus had exorcised him? His behaviour before, sounded a lot like today’s DID. And what if we were to go the African Traditional Religion way? One would probably say it is definitely the ancestral spirits.
Do I sound backward? Well what would you say when you heard that according to statistics DID is diagnosed more frequently in North America than in the rest of the world? Even the legal system is also sceptical as where DID has been used as a criminal defence strategy, it has been rarely successful.

So the question still remains. Is there any such thing as Dissociative Identity Disorder, or are they mere demons? You tell us.




Friday 24 January 2014

Doc Vikela gives South Africa a taste of his medicine

The South Africans are in for a treat this coming week as the Doc pays them a visit to give them a taste of his medicine.
The Doc will perform at the Jou Ma Se Comedy Club on the 31st of January and on the 2nd of February at the Armchair Theatre. Not only is Vikela giving the South Africans a taste of his comic talent, but also that of Zim fashion as he will be dressed by KaySeven CL. The fashion design house will also be dressing him for the whole year.
Just in case you are wondering who this Doc is, let us educate you yeah? He is the award winning comedian, considered to be Zimbabwe’s sharpest comedian with his witty insight on global affairs.

Vikela started off as an event MC, model choreographer and actor. With his rich background in theatre, stand-up comedy was a natural shift. His very first performance was at The Book Café Open Mic in February 2011. Doc has now grown into a comedy phenomenon giving spellbound performances and dazzling fans around the country.

“It will be a hilarious feel of Zim comic talent. We are going there to make people laugh and God help me if I don’t do just that”, said Vikela when asked about the coming trip to Mzansi.

The Mzansi folk are so not going to know what hit them.       


When the feminist animal in you is unleashed

Have you ever been put in a situation where it was left to you to defend the whole species of womankind?

It never ceases to gall me every time men insinuate that just because one or two women have been caught in the negative, then all women because of that are in the same bracket as those few women. SERIOUSLY!!!!

I am particularly frustrated by how women are expected to never fail lest they taint the feminine name. If a few female politicians fail, then it is said female politicians are useless; if a few female businesswomen act slutty, then apparently women in business are slutty and if there is a scandal involving female artists, then there is something to be said about those women too. WHY!!!???!!!!
Why won’t women be allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them? Why won’t women be allowed to be individuals, and not give ambitious individuals the burden of ‘doing it for all women’, or the rest of womanhood the frustration of being generalised???

Not that I am supporting women who do ‘funny’ things. Point is, men in various sectors – business, academics, politics, entertainment... they have had a lot of practice dominating the sectors; it’s no surprise they excel, well sometimes. Yet even when they botch things up, nobody goes “all men what what”.
Yes women go “all men are pigs” more often than not, but that’s besides the point. This is usually said when one’s heart has been broken, so it doesn’t countJ. And anyway, it’s a woman’s blog, so we are allowed to be biased all we want! But back to the issue at hand, this generalising about women just has to stop! It simply is not fair. Yes life is not fair, but this is just overboard! Yet when one or two women make it, you never hear people going 'wow! women are phenomenal'.

So if you have found yourself defending women more than once or twice, you are not alone in the struggle. Interesting thing is, you are probably not an activist, but one really cannot keep silent when she is alone against some “opinionated” chauvinists who would have us all removed from the public eye if they had their way.


Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Proudly Zim WALKATHON Against Littering

Last Saturday we went on a walkathon with Proudly Zim Foundation’s Executive Trustee, Fungai Chiposi and CBZ Auditor and the Foundation’s Harare Chapter Chairman Jazinda Macheche. We started at Town House and walked to Chitungwiza along Seke Road. We, however, were with the gentlemen for the first 14km of the 27km walk, lol – apparently walking is no piece of cake.

While on the road, we gathered that this walk was just a prep for the main event. Fungai Chiposi will from the 26th of February to the 5th of April WALK throughout Zimbabwe from Plumtree to Harare – a 1000km distance. Fungai will start off in Plumtree, pass through Bulawayo, Gweru, Masvingo, Birchenough and then Mutare before finishing off in Harare.
The walk to Chitungwiza was therefore a sort of practice for him. It was also to check his pace, speed, medical issues and endurance since he will be walking 30km a day for one and a half months till he gets to Harare. On his journey from Plumtree, there will be a roving truck that will have all his needs for the road – medical supplies, water and food. At the end of each day Fungai, his aids and whoever decides to join him at any particular time will then camp for the night.

When he gets to a city or town, there will be a team waiting for him at the entrance, so they enter the city or town together, giving people bins for households and vehicles, encouraging people to separate litter at source so it’s easier to recycle and general environmental issues. He will also have a charter for each town clerk or mayor to sign. The charter is encouraging each and every city and town to adopt world class standards of solid waste management. There will also be a cocktail to welcome him in each city.
Proudly Zim Foundation is encouraging all Zimbabweans to join in on the quest to make the country a cleaner place. The ordinary Zimbabwean should detest littering and police the environment; the city councils should capacitate institutions responsible for keeping the environment clean and the private sector should also play a more active role in social responsibility. As a matter of fact, “there is a big opportunity for all interested – ordinary persons and institutions to come on board for the GREEN WALKATHON” Fungai said.


Friday 17 January 2014

The Cracker pulls a David on the Comic Goliaths #SimukaComedy

For a debut show as a professional comic, Gift the Cracker sure made his mark last night. It’s even more awesome because not only did he outshine his mentors, but he did so even when everyone was all fired up!

Before the show we thought the comic war was going to be just between Doc and the Comic King, and that the Cracker would probably put up a fairly good fight, but no! The war even started on the open mic platform. The guys were so on point that we still cannot decide who our fav was, well sort ofJ.
Next time you hear a girl go “ah! I don’t know you” (direct translation of hameno iwewe), “duty” for chores and “I was so bored” for annoyed, lol think of Simba who has the nerve to bluntly diss the “ghetto chick” as he puts it. Then there was Tavengwa who had punch line after punch line, ‘Mr Sort of’ who had everybody adopting his catch phrase (yeah you guessed it) – sort of, and Louis the Prince of Comedy who did a FINE close to the open mic platform. Simuka is definitely cruising on a whole new wave this 2014!

When the battle moved from the open mic to the pros, the night couldn’t have gotten any better. By the way, Doc Vikela was hosting and well, who else but him could have done such an awesome job. His very entrance got the huge audience that had filled The Book Café to the brim all excited. And then he just had to kill us with his idea of the perfect Zimbabwean punch line:
“Why go so far to look for pick up lines. You hear someone say ‘are you from Tennessee? Coz you the only ten I see’, or ‘are you from Jamaica? Coz you Jamaican me crazy!’ We are in Zimbabwe! Use relevant stuff like ‘are you related to Makandiwa? Coz when I saw you, my manhood enlarged!” laugh out loud!!!

And then it was The Cracker’s time to shine. He had us cracking up at every turn! I mean, I heard a number of people shouting “that guy is bad!” several times! Throughout his set, I could see everybody gasping for air from laughter, people shaking their heads in disbelief at how someone could have them laughing like that. He even got a standing ovation! The long and short of it all African women, Gift The Cracker was PHENOMENAL last night!!! And his impression of His Excellency – that was just nothing short of sensational!
The whole time I was enjoying his set though I was thinking ‘oh my! The Comic King must be sweating backstage’. It so just cannot be good to hear people roaring in laughter like that before it’s your turn. But The King did not disappoint. With his impressions of the Southern American and English accents, you could not help but double over!

And just to spice it up, the show ended with a piece from an established poet – Chirikure Chirikure. He did his Ndove (Dung) piece and well, there could not have been a better ending. The man should seriously consider stand up comedy as well because for a while I even forgot it was a poem he was doing. He certainly was one of the crowd favourites.
Thumbs up to Gift for an impressive evolution and showing the comic giants that even underdogs are made of good stuff.  And to Simuka of course, for putting up a great show.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Keeping it Truly African with Hope Masike

Zim Eye calls her ‘Zimbabwe’s Lass of Vibes’, to the Sunday Mail she is a Mbira Prodigy and to most she is affectionately known as The Princess of Mbira. By whatever title you know her as, no doubt, everybody agrees that Hope Masike is a phenomenal young woman. Having performed at a number of festivals in Zimbabwe, Serbia, Mozambique, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway and France, to list just but a few, is evidence enough of the kind of artist she is – a profoundly phenomenal one. True African Woman caught up with her yesterday and this is what she had to say:
TAW: How, why and when did you get in to music professionally?
I’d say round about 2008, although my interest in music goes beyond that. Why? Because it's my calling and as to the how part, among other things, I joined the Zimbabwe College of Music, and Umoja CFC.”
TAW: Why mbira?  
“When I started it wasn’t just because I liked it's heavenly sound, history and the culture around it, but also because very few people were playing it and it identified me as Zimbabwean, as African. Now it’s almost only because of it's special, soothing and educative virtues.” {mmm very interesting don’t you think?}
TAW: What is your genre?
{She puts on a naughty expression}“I’m gonna give you a very common, almost cliché answer – I DON’T LIKE BOXING MYSELF!”{Lol, doesn’t she just have jokes?}“But it’s true because otherwise I would have to stick to what I would have said is my genre. It’s mbira with anything and everything. Very generally, people would like to say its 'world music' or 'mbira fusion'. But that’s just as general as it sounds. I am beyond mere mbira fusion or world music…. Sounds very cliché too, doesn't it? Tell you what if anyone would like to know my genre, they should come watch me perform- live and kicking”{she smiles}“like on the 24th of January at Misty's in Newlands”.{Lol, advertising so doesn’t get any better!!!}
TAW: How many albums do you have?
“So far I have two. First one is called Hope, released in 2009. It has 11 tracks, including interludes and the second one is called Mbira, Love and Chocolate”.{And she just had to say the ‘chocolate’ with a French accent!!! We so loved!!!!}“And I’ve done a lot of collaborative stuff also and featured on a number of compilations.”
TAW: You are always on tour in a whole lot of places, matter of fact you were based in Norway for a year yes? Tell us about that.
“I went to Norway under a Norwegian exchange programme, to teach Zimbabwean music, but I used that opportunity to also network and that’s when and where I met Monoswezi.”{Monoswezi is a collaborative band she is in, comprised of herself, a guy from Mozambique, two from Sweden and the last from Norway.}“The tours are nice, although the travelling is hectic.  I love the tours all the same because, besides having a chance to talk about all things beautiful in Zimbabwe, I also have the privilege to visit new places, meet new people, do new music, eat new food, experience new weather … and that way , life almost always feels brand new. ”
TAW: And last year you won a NAMA. How does that feel?     
{She pauses and smiles before answering, you can tell she is still overwhelmed}“That was the highlight of 2013! It was such an honour because as it is a national award, it's an accolade that shows the country appreciates what I am doing”.{Oh yes, we not only appreciate but we LOVE!!!}
TAW: Your professional career is a little over half a decade old yes? Which is your fav of all your six professional years in music?
“mmmmm, well, it’s like asking a parent who their fav child is. Every year has had its bright and dark moments, but, I’d say my first years in the music industry were special. I threw myself in the deep-end and I had to learn to swim, and hooray!!! I did. ”
TAW: We hear there are a lot of dangers in the entertainment industry for young women. What are they and how are you avoiding them, lol, if you are?
“There are many dangers for women AND MEN in any industry. For instance, we women in the spotlight get a lot of men hitting on us, but I am sure it is the same for our male friends in the industry, not just because they are handsome, but … JUST BECAUSE! Only difference is how you decide to handle it. When it’s in the music industry we are in the spotlight, so perhaps dangers are amplified by that. But you know what helps?  Understanding that there are dangers everywhere (music industry or not) and that you will always need to protect yourself (music industry or not), and knowing who you are and what you stand for helps.”
TAW: We know you were on BBC last week. How was that?                           
“It was with Monoswezi. It was fun! To start with, just being at the BBC Hedquarters for the first time and just being in London too for the first time. And the actual interview- we spoke about our music, influences, cultures and we played live. It was beautiful!”{We can totally imagine yeah? Yeah!!! }
TAW: So Valentine’s is just around the corner yeah? And everybody is going to be feeling all romantic soon. With that in mind, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done – love-wise?
“I’ve never done anything crazy- love-wise, I’m that boring! Oh, wait a bit, I almost did last year, even wrote a song about it. But just before I did it, I discovered that the man I was willing to do it for was of a different persuasion and therefore, not that interested in the crazy things a woman can or cannot do, love-wise.”.{What a SPOIL SPORT he was!!!
 And that was us keeping it truly African with Hope Masike!
PS This one is for you Tavonga. Happy Birthday!!!

Monday 13 January 2014

First Official Comedy Night This New Year #SimukaComedy

2013 for Zim Comic enthusiasts was quite exciting. Courtesy of Simuka, Zim Comedy saw the rise of a number of new comedians; among which includes a group of female comics. Comedy workshops, ImprovComedy and #AlmostALLDivas were among the year’s special projects, as well as a comedy festival that closed off 2013. 2014 is going to be even more out of this world as Simuka now goes beyond the country’s borders to do a Comedy Club tour in South Africa.

But rewinding to this Thursday night on the 16th of January, Simuka Comedy presents the first official comedy night of 2014 at the Book Café. The comedians are to begin the year with a recap of 2013, a speculation of 2014 possibilities, elections, sex tapes, prophets; apparently no subject is taboo.

The line up is made up of Doc Vikela, Simba The Comic King and a new professional comedian – Gift the Cracker, plus a host of new talent on the open mic. This is quite the show we are going to have. I would say it’s a battle of sorts. Two big names, who also happen to best friends going toe on toe against each other. Who is going to show the other who the king of the roost is? Is it going to be the Comic King? Or is it going to be the Doc.

Or maybe it will be neither. Perhaps Gift the Cracker will show them what the underdogs are made of and crack up the whole showJ. Asked about what we can expect from him, Gift says, “Even pets will laugh at what’s in store for their masters”. “Simuka tiende kuShow” he says.

The show starts at 8pm sharp and admission is $5.

PS If you know what’s good for you, don’t miss this show!!!

Thursday 9 January 2014

8 Step Guide to Understanding Men

1.      Rude awakening ladies!!! There is no such thing as ever getting to a point where you can safely say to yourself “Now I understand the animal called man”.

2.      You just prepare yourself for disappointment if you aim to understand what goes on in those brains of theirs.

3.      Sure you can drown yourself in all that nonsense of “thinking like something and acting like something”, but the only thing you can do for sure is act like a woman. Why? Because you are one! As to the thinking like a man part, I don’t know.

4.      Men don’t seem to know what they want.

5.      One minute they say a tamed woman is what makes them feel like a man, and the other, a submissive woman is too dull for their liking – all of a sudden they need a spitfire to keep them worked up, aaaah!

6.      They say they don’t want to be nagged; but if you don’t “remind/nag” them, nothing will get done!

7.      Best thing to do for yourself is to do what you feel like doing girl! If you feel like being tamed at one moment and like a maniac the other – knock yourself out!

8.      Because doing things to always please him just won’t work! Why? Because you can never know what pleases him. That’s the thing. You can never knowJ.

Women & Fashion: The absurd & the bizarre

It is difficult being a woman. The most trivial of things can give us hypertension! Tell your story to a guy and most of the time I’m pretty sure he’ll be wondering “so what’s the big deal?” One of those trivia is fashion.

My first question is; why do women like to look hot? Lol, hear me out before you start rolling your eyes yes? Is it because we want to attract someone? If your man is around, then that is a very logical reason to want to be stopping traffic. But what if he is not around, why do you want to look amazing? One's answer to that would probably be because it’s who you are. Women of class and style look good all the time. But if we were to suddenly appear on your doorstep when you least expected it and you had no intentions of leaving the house, would we find you looking like a supermodel? Admit it, it feels good to be turning heads and having everybody declare how good you look :). So is it because we have a primal need to be the centre of attention?
Speaking of being the centre of attention, have you ever noticed how irritating and annoying it is to see someone wearing something you have; worse still if you are wearing it too? It’s funny how we act like that as if when you bought your item you had a deal with the shop owner that no more items like yours were to be sold ever! I don’t get how men can be so calm about things like that. At any one function there’ll probably be more than a dozen or so men wearing the same suit, but they won’t mind, if they even notice it. But you can bet in no less than two minutes all the women would have already declared who is rocking and working the black ArmaniJ.

Another thing I don’t get is how women in any one place will start getting in to competition. It’s as if women cannot exist in harmony together. If they happen to live or work together, then that is just recipe for disaster. Suddenly, your hairstyle has to be changed more often than hers, your handbags CANNOT be cheaper than hers and you just HAVE to have more heels than her. Lol, WHY?  
It’s a woman’s world for sure. But if so I should at least get it, kkkk but I don’t. I wonder how men tolerate usJ.