Thursday 7 November 2013


The house was on fire last night at the Book Café! But how could that not have happened when we had Q the Boss as host, Doc Vikela as the headline act and a crazy crowd?

The show started off with a performance by Dziva rembira – a male traditional music band. Their gear was definitely to die for! What with nhembe (animal skin traditional clothing) and all? But 30minutes of mbira was just too much! Twists like Dziva reMbira are nice surprises but only if they are for a very short time and we get into the business of the night ASAP! Yes, that of laughing!
I did say that Q was hosting didn’t I? Well that was just recipe for disaster!  Would you believe he told an already insane crowd that if they happened to not like an open mic act, all they had to do was shout for him to come back? As fate would have it, all of the acts save for one were shouted off the stage! The way it happened, I couldn’t stop laughing, although I did feel for the up starts at the same time. It was sad and funny at the same time. The only open mic who wasn’t shouted off, we liked. The guy’s got real potential and everybody loved the way he took control of the stage.

Apparently Q doesn’t like people interrupting him. There were some ladies who learnt this the hard way, I was so embarrassed on their behalf, I could have sunk in a hole! And then it was Seb Diesel’s turn. After the last Simuka, I was pretty nervous. He started off well, actually had some guys in tears and then I have no idea what happened. All of a sudden he was being vulgar – not in a funny way at all. It was in a way that had people calling for Q as if their lives depended on it. And he wouldn’t stop!
And then some guy from the audience comes and attempts to grab Seb’s mic. Upon failing he starts urging the crowd to call for Q and he actually goes backstage and literally drags Q on to the stage. By this time, I was laughing uncontrollably and in awe at how someone could do such a thing. That’s a comic crowd for you.

Doc Vikela was up next and he was definitely a breadth of fresh air. He started off with political jokes and he got the house applauding like mad! I liked his diversity of subjects because essentially, what we want to hear is satire about our daily lives which isn’t just about women and sex.
Doc was getting uproars at every turn! Midway through his act I was not laughing anymore. Not for want of humour mind you. Oh no! But my cheeks were burning! I’ve never laughed as hard! One of the ladies I was sitting on the same table with couldn’t help but shout “He’s on fire!” And oh yes, Vikela was definitely up in flames! BURNING!

The best part was when he got to dissing celebrities - Sani for his last century summer shirts, Sulumane and Peter for their non-existent voices and Tichafa Matambanadzo for his crappy name. Lol.
I mean come on! What was there not to love; curtain raisers almost wetting their pants because of a crazy crowd shouting them off stage, a host not making the situation any better and the Headline Act sending us home in style? Crazy Comedy Night and one of the best I’ve had! Thumbs up Simuka!!!


  1. wat a summary 4 sure next tym i wl b ther

    1. :) great stuff!!! Simuka should definitely give us commission for the marketing eh? lol, but for real, the show was a blast! Be there next time or be SQUARE!

  2. As one of the open mics that got shouted off stage, your article is pretty accurate, thanks though. Can't wait for the next one

  3. :) don't give up eh Tavengwa. Perseverance is how you get there!
