Sunday 3 November 2013


Customer Care is the hardest job on earth! Why? Because it is about dealing with the public! So what is wrong with dealing with the public? Nothing, except that you ought to have really good acting skills, otherwise – you could not last.

Last week I was working at the front of where I work, doing what we call ‘meet and greet’ where you meet customers as they enter, you greet them and assist them to go where they are supposed to go. So this guy tells me his query and as I am explaining how he can get assistance I hand him a form. By this time, I am so tired, hungry, and my cheeks are literally burning from talking and smiling - it’s almost end of day, so you can imagine. And this guy asks me “so what am I supposed to do with this form?” Ah! What did you want to do with it, give it to the cow? FILL IT IN SILLY!

Yesterday, I got in to a shop where one customer was giving the manager a piece of his mind! He was so furious, he was shaking, “you are so ridiculously expensive here! Why aren’t you like so and so, I go there all the time and they do such and such, way better than what I am getting here!” All the while I’m thinking, oh come on! Don’t be such a nuisance!!! Go there where you like the services! Nxa!

One time, again when I was doing the meet and greet thing, I met a number of guys who almost made me run out of air. It wasn’t just bad breadth; it was a nasty odour coming from the whole person, and not just sweat, but a combination of bad breadth, sweat, and not having showered for so many days! I almost died!

These type of people aren’t irritating per say, they just leave you in wonder. Seriously! One client almost had me doubling over in laughter once and it took me all I had to keep a straight face on. To think I had actually greeted her in Shona, the least she could have done is stick to the mother tounge and save us all the embarrassment, lol.

My friends and I in High School used to call it “good clothes happening to bad people”, lol or “bad clothes happening to good people”. Do not get me wrong, I am not talking about the financially challenged (could never be a snob like that), I am talking of just plain poor wardrobe choice. One guy had all the girls at my work place in fits of laughter. We would all signal at each other and double over kkkk and poor guy had no idea he had just spiced up our day. Honestly, he had on white shoes, red pants, red floral tucked in shirt, bow tie and shadesJ. For real, in this 21st century he was confident enough to walk like that.

And do you know what the worst part of dealing with these kinds of people is? You’ve got to keep your cool, smile and politely serve them. Tsk tsk dealing with the public – no job like it.

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