Sunday 24 November 2013


Who do we mostly look up to for trend setting? Yes, models, you got that right! Why? Because there is something about them that makes you want to imitate their style. But what is that something? A sort of umpf that is irresistible. And how do you also acquire that umpf for yourself? By developing a signature! A signature in this context, is a mark of representation that is unique in execution. So if you are going to be a lady of class, you ought to have your own signature in terms of the way you carry yourself.

Signature Stride
The way you walk signifies the kind of woman you are. Are you a power woman? Because power women know that they are important, do not have time for nonsense and therefore, their strides show exactly that. Nyaradzo Nhongonhema on the ramp executed a to die for stride. She was the 2nd Princess of Miss Tourism Mashonaland Central 2009 who mastered the art of fusing energetic strides with the beat of the music.
Signature Smile
A smile is a soothing, warm and receptive human action of turning up the corners of the mouth showing pleasure and/or amusement. Smiling is a sign of confidence and aplomb which is a necessary aid in so many instances. The modern woman therefore, needs to learn the art of being versatile and be able to give the kind of smile appropriate for each situation - be it an innocent, warm or seductive one.

Signature Pause
It is that strategic and defining stop or rest on the ramp mainly executed to give the audience a feel of ingenious modeling. The pause at an elevation of 90 degrees gives that 'feel me' impression which is easily read as confidence by the audience and the judges. So, when you need to make a pause wherever, remember it has to be majestic. Nothing too dramatic, but graceful all the same.

Signature Turn
Special mention needs to be made of Caroline Marufu (Miss Tourism Zimbabwe 2006) and Vannesa Sibanda (Miss Tourism Zimbabwe 2008). Their turns on the ramp were just pure perfection. The turn describes the willful and artful change of direction of movement while the model is in full flight mainly to give an assertive and authoritative picture. I normally describe it as the turn of greatness since it divulges all the bodily features not seen at first glimpse as the model enters the ramp. In everyday life, do not just make an about turn as if you are on parade ladies! Give it a little swag.

Signature Posture
Posture refers to the alignment of your bones, muscles, and nervous system and holding of one's body. Good alignment equals good balance and easy movement. Good posture gives you poise and distributes your weight so you look trimmer, more confident and healthy. When you stand, sit and walk with good posture, even your clothes fit better.

So who said only the likes of Naomi Campbell and Charlize Theron should be the only ones who get to have signature anything? Be the kind of woman who gets recognized by her stride, smile, turn, pause and posture because they are her signature!

By Victor Tinashe Mpofu

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