Monday 11 November 2013


Whoever came up with the idea of instant messaging in the form of WhatsApp should... wait; I’m not too sure what should be done to them. I still cannot decide if I love them or hate them.

Don’t you just love though how you always stay in touch with everyone because of WhatsApp? You can never be lonely. Your app pals are always there for you. Nobody can hide from you too. Why; because you can see WHEN EXACTLY somebody who is not replying your messages was last online! But then again, you too can’t hide, because they too can see when you were last online, lol.
I’ve become so fascinated by how you will see people in public places typing frantically on their phones. One time I was in a supermarket, frantically typing on my phone (being antisocial to my aunt who I was “shopping” with) when I almost bumped into things several times. And every time I looked up smiling to myself, I would notice almost everybody doing the same thing. So cannot imagine life without app.
One thing that never ceases to annoy me though, those long never ending messages that either demand or threaten you to pass the message to more than a dozen more people. Firstly, I don’t like reading a five page long message. It’s just tiresome. Secondly, I got better things to do than forward one boring message to my whole contact list; and lastly, just because there is a threat, I don’t forward! I’m like; now let’s see if that threat works lol. And to the person who would have sent the message to me; well, one has to be polite eh, so without bothering to read the message, I just scroll down to reply and send an emoji, a thank you or an Amen, J.

As much as talking to people the whole day is great, it’s just horrible when the only people online are the ones you don’t quite enjoy having conversations with. You reply because what else is there to do? Yes you don’t want to encourage them to keep texting, but then if you don’t respond, then your phone is going to be silent for who knows how long. Sad moments.
And then there are the WhatsApp groups. If there is anything that will send me to an early grave, it’s going to be that! It’s not enough that people just add you to their lousy groups without asking for your permission, but the members have to talk about nothing literally the whole day and get you annoyed and irritated by the notifications too. Meanwhile, every time you hear the ring tone, you figure it must be somebody interesting but oh no, it’s one of those groups again! Argh!

Funny how just talking with people like that can be so addictive. I fail to connect the dots! But who cares? Who says everything ought to make sense? So ciao for now people, got to get back to my app pals, been away too long already writing this articleJ.