Thursday 21 November 2013


I know its super uncool of me to be writing about this; especially given that 1) I’m a woman and 2) this is a woman’s blog; but real talk? Women in power are just a pain!

I really would not know how guys relate to their lady bosses, maybe with the whole opposite sex thing it’s not really that bad for them, but for most women hell is sweeter!
She doesn’t even have to be the boss, the fact that she is your senior is good enough for her to make your life miserable at work, I mean come on! I worked somewhere once where this girl who was just my senior, not at all the boss, yet, every chance she got she made sure she made me uncomfortable, belittle every little thing I did...; I had a thought once that her agenda was to make me quit, she almost won, but I figured oh let us see where this goes eh.

Another thing with lady bosses is the erratic mood swings. Being women you know that tempers can just flare for no apparent reason. It could be that time of the month, trouble at home or just a moody temperament. Another place I worked at had me thinking that maybe I just got a bad first impression, or maybe she was just moody on that particular day, apparently, she was always like that. She was one of the team leaders; there were two of them actually. At least the other one would joke with you here and there if she liked you, the other, I was shocked once when I saw her smiling! Matter of fact, the smile looked odd on her face. Lol.
The problem with these kinds of scenarios is that if the lady boss or superior female workmate decides she does not like you, you are in trouble. The frustrating thing is that tensions may just rise because of something really trivial and silly! You may actually be hated on simply because you are prettier, wittier, slimmer, more educated, appear to be more sophisticated or classier. At first, it may not even mean anything to you because you are thinking oh puhleez who does that? And then in time, you figure well, just to push her buttons, let me do this and that, just to rattle her. And before you know it, everyday you are having a catfight of sorts. Women!

With male bosses now, all you’ve got to do is give your best smile and more often than not, you’ll have him wrapped around your little fingerJ. Yeah, don’t even go all holy on me because you know it’s true!
Back to the lady bosses, maybe it’s because they do not want people to think they do not deserve being where they are or something along those lines. Whatever reason for their up tightness, they just give women a bad name. Firstly because now people say all lady bosses and superiors are a problem and secondly, we end up not supporting our fellow women in power.

We end up being caught up in very nervous conditions (as Tsitsi Dangarembga would probably put itJ). On one hand you want to be supportive of your female bosses and superiors, but on the other, they don’t make it any easier because all the time you will be wishing for a male one. Definite lose-lose situation.

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