Monday 5 August 2013


When you travel, the last thing you need is for the experience to be unbearable. So in order to avoid this, nothing does it like proper planning. Therefore, if you are going to be on a journey for more than an hour, here are some things to be mindful of:
Living in the 21st century sure does have its perks and transport is one of them. Depending on where you plan to go, one usually has the choice of either going by air, road, rail or water. It is either private or public transport. If it is public, there is first class, middle class and economy class. What you need to do with so many options is to choose wisely. Your decision should be based on a) price b) comfort c) services d) time it is going to take to travel, and e) reputation of the mode of transport.
Nothing irritates me more than sitting next to a boring or annoying person, or having nasty material being played on the transport television or radio. So what you need to do is make sure you have adequate material to keep yourself entertained – novels, magazines, movies to watch on your laptop or tab, music …
Always make sure that all your gadgets are fully charged and that you have extra batteries. You do not want to be in a situation where you are stuck and cannot call anyone because your phone battery is flat just because you could not get off the social networks.
Unless it is an emergency, never ever go on a journey just before, during or just after your period. It is extremely uncomfortable, never mind unhygienic.
5.      EXTRA CASH
Do not ever be caught in a situation where you carry enough money for the bus fare. So many unforeseen things may happen on the ride, and many a time, only cash can fix those things. So always have extra cash on you.

Going on a journey, you are going to be sitting down the whole time, and to be honest there really is no one to impress – everyone is concerned with getting to where they are going. So do not frustrate yourself for no reason. But remember! Comfort does not mean drab! Put on a nice pair of flats, comfty underwear, it is up to you whether you decide on a skirt, dress, shorts, jeans… Casual usually makes more sense than formal. But then again, whatever makes you comfortable.

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