Wednesday 28 August 2013


Men! I have laboured to understand what makes them tick, but, not surprisingly at all, I have failed dismally! I have a theory. If they did not all come from the same woman, they most definitely came from the same woman. Seriously, have you noticed their behaviour? Regardless of their race, tribe, religion or class, men are men at the end of the day. Their behaviour with regards to us women is just unbelievable and they stick up for each other in the most ridiculous of ways!
One thing I have not yet decided how to feel about is how these guys break up with us. I am not sure if I should find it hilarious or just plain infuriating. Here is why; when a guy sees you probably for the first time, or when he realises that he is madly attracted to you, not even a fire hail storm could stop him from getting you. He will do all that a mortal man can do just to get you. But just you wait and see what he will do and say when he does not want you anymore. Because this article is about how guys are unbelievable, we are going to be biased and not talk of when we women break their hearts. Yes we can be heartless at times, but the guys take the cup!
I did a small survey among my guy friends and you will not believe some of the nasty break-up lines they have used on their past girlfriends! It’s not you - it’s me; you deserve better than me; I can’t do this anymore; I don’t deserve you; I need a break; I think we should see other people… But then, how could you not? I am pretty sure one in every two of your past boyfriends most probably said or did something worse. One guy was like “I don’t break up with girls. I just go quiet”. Seriously?     
The most ideal and romantic of notions would be that people should never break up, or that if it comes to that point, it is consensual. Granted, there is no easy way of breaking up with someone, but these guys should at least try to put some heart in to it! Personally, what infuriates me the most is when at first I did not even like the pig. And then he probably wormed his way into my life and then after what I would have thought was a wonderful time together he says “I can’t do this anymore, it’s not you it’s me, I need some space”, ah! UNBELIEVABLE! And you are left thinking, “where did all this come from? How did I miss the signs? What did I do wrong? What happened?” In the meantime, the prick is already having the time of his life with someone else, and poor you is devastated for days.

Nxa! Men! We cannot live with them, and we cannot live without them either. Argh!

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