Monday 19 August 2013


Summer is the warmest season of the year; a period of fruition, fulfilment, happiness and beauty. When the sun comes up, it brightens up everything. Even the birds and the butterflies know that summer is here. How could they not, when the roses, lilies, orchids, forget-me-nots and the hibiscuses are blooming – declaring that with no doubt, summer is here!
So if nature knows that summer is here, do you? What shows that you do? Because when it was winter; dark, dull and boring clothes made the most sense and staying indoors was logical. But now that winter is over and the happy season is back again, there is just no reason for you to be left behind in Gloomyville.
I know shopping is a favourite for most women. So here is an excuse to go on a spree. Go with your girlfriends and get yourselves some colourful sandals, shorts, short skirts and dresses. Get yourselves those veranda sun hats and shades that will most definitely make you traffic stoppers! Its summer - carefree season! So shed off all that up tightness and get into the spirit of the moment!

Now that it is nice and hot, all the swimming pools are open, and ice-cream parlours are definitely making the best ice-cream that can be made. This is also the time that most sports are in season. Take up a new hobby and go watch a game of something you have never watched – basketball, cricket, volleyball… Live for today ladies. And today being summer time, enjoy it like it is your last!

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