Monday 30 September 2013


The month of September has had quite some excitement I must say. First it was the flying witches who apparently had an accidental “emergency landing”, and then now it has graduated to UFOs?

The witches saga was by far the most interesting thing to have happened this year. There was an actual video showing the witches who were naked, and acting all witchy –creepy – but exciting nonetheless. Everyone was fascinated. Before, news about witches would just be by word of mouth via the grapevine. But this time, this time was different. The video just went viral!

And then the witches just had to confess! Suddenly, the mystery had a simple explanation. The witches were in actual fact, just hired prostitutes! Ah! I have never been as disappointed in my life!

Now yesterday, it seems Zimbabweans were getting ready to get excited about something else again – UFOs. Apparently people in the Mashonaland area thought they were now witnessing extra-terrestrial bodies do a tour of the Earth’s night sky. Unsurprisingly, the networks went viral AGAIN! But again, there was another simple explanation; sadly, it was just an American vessel being launched in to the outer space.

This is funny actually. People are so intent on discovering evidence that things we have been dismissing as mere superstition do actually exist. But with all the zeal and excitement, they miss the signs and in the end, we are all left feeling stupid and disappointed.

I wonder what other thing is going to have us going crazy again. But with the rate at which we are going, lol, I suspect it’s going to be really soon. Perhaps this time we will have a video of a mermaid, lol.

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