Monday 30 September 2013


It is still a mystery to me why it took me this long to think of having an interview with MMT! When they released their club banger Zvidhori, and then the remix, I went nuts! And then I saw them perform at Shoko 13 and I just knew I had fallen in love! So last Friday, True African Woman caught up with the notorious crew for drinks and this is what they had to say:

TAW: First things first gentlemen; who is MMT and what is the relationship with Team Rehab?
“MMT is Mariachi, MC Cut and Tate. And Team Rehab is a movement of young hip hop artists formed by Xander, who is our producer.”  Now who needs YMCB with Team Rehab mmm? Lol.
TAW: And when did you guys come together?
“August 12, 2012, but we have known each other from way back.”  Hope they remember their girlfriends’ birthdays like that ey J.
TAW: Very briefly, tell us something interesting about yourselves – something nobody else knows.
Mariachi “I play football. I probably would have made it to the national team in another life time, cricket too. I’m quite the sportsman you know. I’m also studying graphic designing.”  Talk about multi-talent!
MC Cut “I love Zim Dancehall, in fact, I listen to it more than Zim hip hop.” DOUBLE AGENT!!!
Tate “I’m not as arrogant as people think I am, although am not going to show it. One of my granddads was a reverend and the other was a dj. And I do still go to church. Shocked ey? We were too, lol.
TAW: We noticed MMT is always on 3 Men on a Boat. What’s the deal?
            “We make news and if anything, they are just doing their job.” Mmm
TAW: About Zvidhori – where did that come from?
“One of the things was that women want to over compensate, but we are just saying they should tone it down a little” Is that right?
TAW: How was the response to that song and how did you take it?
“Initially, everything went wrong. We got a lot of backlash. But we are just artists thinking outside the box and having a good time in the process. We are about social commentary and making it entertaining. However, what’s happening is the ‘Jesus effect’, you speak the truth and you get crucified.”  Ncoooh!!!
TAW: But there must be something you love about us women yes?
“Don’t get us wrong, we love our women. And we are very conscious of their importance to our lives and how they take care of us.”  Now isn’t that the sweetest thing?
TAW: People seem to think you dis Few Kings in Party Yatanga. Is it true and is there indeed beef between you and Few Kings?
“It’s not a dis; it’s just what’s going on. And MMT doesn’t have beef with anyone. People are just of the idea that just because we are two hip hop bands we then should have tension. But it’s not like that, although there was a bar incident way back which may have led people to think that, but we assure you, we got no beef with anyone.”
TAW: And what is up with Wake Up? Do you have issues with everyone you dis?
“Not at all! It was just fun and a whole lot of word play, and if your name was mentioned in that record, it means you are relevant to the game.”  Is that right?
TAW: So how would you describe Zim hip hop?
            “Apart from the obvious that it’s on the up and up, it’s starting to find its identity.”
TAW: Do you have anything big planned for us before the year ends?
            “Zvidhori Remix video first, and then finishing up the album.” So cannot wait!!!
TAW: Random question. What colour are your bed sheets right now?
            (they laugh for a while) and then
MC Cut – “they are a mix”
Tate – “Sky blue”
Mariachi – “Green”   
OK ladies, so we heard that one can draw conclusions from the colour of a guy’s bed sheets. So in closing, we will let you draw what conclusions you will about H. Town’s Hip Hop bad boys eh. That was MMT for you.

Twitter >> @mmtofficial
For bookings:  +263 774 860 284

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