Tuesday 24 September 2013


So this was my first time attending the Shoko Festival. I know I know I should not say things like that in public, but it’s true. For the past two years I would always see posters about the festival, only I have no idea why I never got around to going.

This time around, I said to myself I would have none of that and yep, this year, thanks to Theo and Larry, True African Woman was at Shoko in full force! Lol. I enjoyed the seminars. If you are someone who wants to learn, you would have definitely learnt a lot. Much had to do with how modern day people should use new media to be relevant to today’s world.

Comedy night was just crazy! Apart from the insane comedians on stage, what amused me the most was how there were groups at the back making so much noise that it kept my companions and I wondering why in the world they had come in the first place? Zambezi News Live killed me when they were like:

                “We give you the news before it is news, and if there is no news – we make the news”

Lol! Make the news indeed!

Unfortunately I could not make it for the Poetry Slam – total buzz kill. I did however, party all weekend and it was amazing! My best act at The Rising obviously was MMT, lol although I am still wondering at the point of the black suits, shades and tumblers with beer! Making a statement I guess. And JBoss, I so loved his presence on stage with ZiFM’s Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa. However, I really did not get the “man bag”. Note, I say man bag for lack of a better word. Lol, people were definitely making statements!

I liked Djembe Monks as well. So had no idea Zimbabwe could produce talent like that. And of course Tony Rebel had all the Rastas in cloud weed lol. The Shutdown was even crazier! Saw Monkey Nuts for the first time as well, and totally loved them – and now I know why everybody is always going on and on about Hope Masike. Khuli Chana had the crowd going mad! The front part was my favourite spot. Serious dancing was going on and if you had come to have a good time – the front part was definitely the spot to be at.

I was seriously doubting Symbiz Sound. But after only a minute into their performance – I fell in love! How could I not when you had two German/Korean guys playing reggae/raga? J. I spoke to Josh from Monkey Nuts, Hope Masike, Ian from Toronto among many others and the consensus was that Shoko was rocking big time! And indeed it was! I miss it already!

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