Friday 4 April 2014

Pupil stabbed in a fight over a girl

In a classic case of ogling gone wrong, a pupil from Nairobi was stabbed and killed two days ago after he had been accused of eyeing another guy's girlfriend. The sad thing about this is, the deceased was just a kid of 16 years! He wasn't even having an affair with the said girlfriend - just appreciating beauty and he gets killed for it.

It's nothing new hearing about school boys fighting. They always have one reason or another. I mean we know we are God's gift to man, but never did we think that guys would actually fight over a girl. Fighting over someone is just so classic of woman behaviour but boys? Didn't think so.

So boys fighting isn't the issue here, we've already established that there is nothing odd there. But to go as far as stabbing another human being? What was the other boy even doing with a knife at school? And his jealousy was strong enough to kill a fellow student just because he was LOOKING at his girlfriend? Apparently this unfortunate kid who lost his life isn't the only one who suffered at the hands of the jealous boyfriend. His two friends are actually in hospital now, as they had tried to intervene on their friend's behalf.

And where is the child killer now? Nobody knows. He is in hiding. Where is the world coming to if minors are displaying such behaviour?

Thursday 3 April 2014

Weeding the Contact List

I have gotten to that point where I realize that there are people in my life who do not really add value to it. For real, I am thinking if we know each other, then if I think of you, something should at least come to mind - be it laughter, warmth, love, dollars :). But if I can't think of anything to associate you with, then I shouldn't even have to think about you.

And how do I not think about such valueless people? Lol, do not think me callous just yet, having no value to me does not mean they are not valuable. They are, just not to me. Anyways, back to my question, how do I deal with these people? I weed them out of my contact list!

I just love that chore. I don't know if I should call it a chore though because I enjoy it. It's like deleting someone out of your life you know. You must be wondering why I should be feeling satisfied about myself when I say that. Well here is the thing ladies, one becomes less and less valuable to you because of a host of reasons. Could be because you had a fight you couldn't resolve, they just started annoying you, for no reason you do not like them anymore... the list is endless.

So I have this ritual. Occasionally, I go through my contact list - its usually one of those times you're either just bored and haven't got anything to do and noone interesting is on app, or someone annoyed me insane. Anyway, so I go through my contacts and unmercifully delete all those "useless" people, lol.

This is just half the satisfaction mind you. The 100% joy comes when they decide to call or app and I have no idea who they are and I'm like "I'm sorry who is this?". Lol, if they thought we were close and this is the last thing they ever wanted to hear, then that irritation is what just makes my day!

Lol, yeah, I'm mean like that - sometimes. But we all have a mean streak don't we? I just happened to tell you mine. So don't judge me.

Simuka Comedy for the first time ever goes on television!!!

Simuka Comedy has never been wilder in its endeavors as it is doing now. This April it comes together with ZimComedyLive to form the first ever Comedy Banger to be filmed for television. Kinda reminds one of Voltron or Transformers ey? Yeah! 

Putting up the biggest lineup of Zimbabwean comedians ever, what could go wrong with Carl Joshua Ncube, Michael K, Doc Vikela and Simba The Comic King on the same stage. Fireworks are a definite guarantee people!!! The big guns are then to be joined by a new crop of comedians on the night from all over the country! I mean the Comedy Banger couldn't be more truly Zimbabwean even if it tried!

This show is one not to be missed at all. Even our local celebrities are super excited about it because most of them are not going to be anywhere else that night. So Simuka is not just going on TV this April, nor is it just promising an explosive comedy night. But it is giving a guarantee of a great show and to those who have never had a run in with the local public figures; the 10th of April is the night to be at Simuka this April!!!

The Comedy Banger show will be at the Book Café, on the 10th of April, starting at 8pm sharp. Admission is $5.

PS Do not miss what could potentially be the next big Zimba show!!!